Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]

Resident Orkonomist, Advisor to Da Kommitte, and Hobbyist Teef Collector
Ask me 'bout Permanent WAAAAAGH!

  • 99 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2020


  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]tomainThe Midwest is America's Russia
    19 days ago

    They're the faction that is least defeatable at the least.

    This I totally agree with, at a certain point it would just be too much of a pain in the ass to deal with them, hence why I think they'll end up just being a neoliberal hellhole confined to the California valley.

    Is the interior particularly important in the event of a war? Big empty space. As long as what they need to maintain the war effort is placed in more defensive locations it's actually not important territory.

    Not really aside from fresh water (there is a separate water table east of the Rockies see image below), air bases, and nuclear silos. There's arable land as well but I don't think that's as important considering the breakup. The most important factor probably being the Nuke silos, and aquifer which will get more important as time goes on.

    Aquifer and Climate maps of US



  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]tomusicLocke'd Out Again
    19 days ago

    It's... interesting. Like a genuine cultural artifact, but not conventionally good. I really like it to be clear. The plot is kind of insane and all over the place, but it also has this uncanny knack for always answering 2 previous questions, and raising 3 new ones. The cast did a phenomenal job, and I don't think any other TV show has ever captured me in a "I need to tune in next week" kind of way.

  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]tomainThe Midwest is America's Russia
    19 days ago

    I'd actually argue against this. They have the west coast sure, but their territory is split down the middle by the largest mountain range in the US and deserts. It will be a massive pain in the ass trying to get supplies and troops from the west coast to the interior, especially since I don't think the west has air superiority in this hypothetical scenario.

    E) Unless The West has control of the US's Pacific territories, which I don't see why they wouldn't strike out for independence in this situation.

    E2) In a prospective conflict, I actually think the west would get pushed back to the rockies by the south/midwest and basically become a merchant republic based out of california with strong ties to China and everybody more or less leaving them alone because at that point it'd be more trouble than it's worth having to sail ships through Panama or whatever.

  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]tomoviesDune 2 is awesome holy shit
    23 days ago
    Hidden because this is a direct response to your spoiler

    If it makes you feel any better, I think all of the things that seem to make the movies great are all aesthetic and are tangential to what's truly good about the books; and so I don't particularly care for the movies either. I've always contended Dune is unfilmable.

    I'm doing a really bad job of taking-restraint kitty-birthday-sad

  • The only people going anywhere across the galaxy are the ones that are being carried on Spacing Guild ships, who follow the spice. Any information is carried on guild ships. Any goods are transported on Guild ships. As far as these feudal holdings are concerned, they are waiting for the next Guild ship to arrive with goods, messages, dignitaries, etc.

    The Jihad is the Muad'dib Jihad. One of the major themes of the story is that the Atreides have sullied and stolen the noble struggle of the Fremen, which (textually, tragically) will leave the Fremen as nothing more than a cultural affect, an interesting museum piece where they recreate the Fremen culture behind a pane of glass with plastic crysknives. Stilgar is supposed to personify the way Paul has turned a noble and resilient people into sycophants caught up in the religious ecstasy of his cult. I would say one of the most collar-tugging part of the narrative is the only reason the Fremen follow Paul in the first place is because of a (again textual) millenia-spanning Jewish conspiracy.

  • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]tomoviesDune 2 is awesome holy shit
    23 days ago

    If the Palestinians had the sole global supply of gasoline or whatever and were able to blackmail everyone else on earth into accepting their legitimacy or else they will crash the global economy and cause billions of deaths, yes.

    That's aside from the fact that Paul is operating within the imperial structure. Shaddam IV abdicates, and Paul is instated on the throne. This is done by the rules of their feudal structure.

    This is all explained textually by the spice monopoly / Spacing Guild / feudal empire relationship.
