A sophisticated hacking campaign by a mercenary spyware company targeting Google’s Android operating system has been exposed by Amnesty International’s Security Lab.

The technical findings were shared with Google’s Threat Analysis Group, which focuses on countering government-backed cyber-attacks. As a result, Google along with other affected vendors, including Samsung, were able to release security updates protecting billions of Android, Chrome and Linux users from the exploit techniques used in this attack.

Amnesty International is not naming the company while the Security Lab continues to track and investigate its activity. However, the attack showed all the hallmarks of an advanced spyware campaign developed by a commercial cyber-surveillance company and sold to governments hackers to carry out targeted spyware attacks.


  • blobjim [he/him]
    1 year ago

    On Monday, in a significant step to address the spyware crisis, US President Biden signed an executive order restricting the government’s of use of commercial spyware technology that poses a threat to human rights. The move sends a strong message to other governments to take similar action.


    Western chauvinists conveniently presenting the word of the US as noble truth. The US loves to just say some thing that sounds good, then go on doing the same thing they point fingers at others for. And these lapdog organizations eat it right up and do their job of promoting the propaganda.

    • darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
      1 year ago

      So they're doing this to punish companies that sell these capabilities to enemy states and neutral third party states because they dislike having to compete with them, they dislike not having a monopoly on it. And I think going forward they may target these companies in several ways as they do not want Russia or China or India or Brazil or Venezuela or even when it comes down to it Greece to be able to just purchase this stuff off the shelf from a neutral third party.

      Their ideal world is one where they, the eyes alliance group has internal stuff and they sell it to you but only if you're in their good graces. Another mechanism of control. Meanwhile they pretend to be noble and sob about these horrible human rights abusing private companies for selling these capabilities and call you a human rights violating regime if you use it. Meanwhile if you use their spyware you're clearly a human rights respecting nation.