I'm pretty sure my dad drunkenly bought me a bonsai tree. But this was after several days and hours of discussions about my main issue of being unable to chip away at maintenance tasks, like work. Like this was my main concern: I CAN'T DO REGULAR MAINTENANCE. I AM INCAPABLE.

And a bonsai tree is literally the most antithetical gift I could possibly imagine because it needs intricate daily care and it lives forever. So...........

I'm just reeling tbh. I don't even want to confront him and I know he'll ask about it at some point, and I'll be like yeah it died 🤷‍♂️ and I'm just going to fixate on this forever jesus christ

What do?

  • Awoo [she/her]
    4 months ago

    I know you're stressed about this but I have not killed a single living thing through negligence and I have pretty significant adhd that I take 72mg Xaggitin for, be it a pet or a plant.

    The thing with these responsibilities is that they are easy and it is immediately rewarding to me every day to see a plant living and growing. That reward keeps me doing it. I like that this thing I look after grows and shrinks and changes direction to face the sun if I move it out of the light etc etc etc.

    I dunno. Maybe you don't get that feeling when caring for it but I do actually suggest trying it. If it doesn't work out oh well. If it does though it will satisfy you a lot.