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  • Angel [any]
    4 months ago

    Yeah, as a black transfeminine enby, I can't say I approve of this at all. Do progressives just not care about me at all? The message I get is that they'd be okay with me being treated like shit because they're promoting bioessentialism, alongside racism, that makes me an enemy. If westernization, white supremacy, colonization, and transphobia are going to be standard parts of progressive movements, I want nothing to do with them because I want to be involved with a movement that doesn't reinforce the feeling that I'm subhuman. That's why I started avoiding conservatives and began involving myself with revolutionary socialist ideology a lot more. The last fucking thing I need is to feel like I’m less than human on the basis of my race and gender identity because I’ve done that for too long already. It’s a familiar thought process that I’ve had enough of and I want to fucking change. I don’t seem to be getting a change of pace here at all, though. Wish me luck with not feeling depressed all day over this.