There's loads and loads of fake calculations done, I imagine, mostly by ad agencies about how it's cheaper as if the single biggest value drop a car ever experiences isn't literally being the first to own it and drive it.
I guess the exceptions are if your vehicle needs change (live in the suburbs and have kids? I see a minivan in your future) or if your car has broken down to the point that it threatens to be a money pit.
There's loads and loads of fake calculations done, I imagine, mostly by ad agencies about how it's cheaper as if the single biggest value drop a car ever experiences isn't literally being the first to own it and drive it.
I guess the exceptions are if your vehicle needs change (live in the suburbs and have kids? I see a minivan in your future) or if your car has broken down to the point that it threatens to be a money pit.
you'd still be off better buying used. Nothing depreciates car value like driving it off the lot.