The Dunes here are amazing, and they're how I learned about geomorphology, which is the study of movement landforms. We've had a great trip


  • MaxOS [he/him, any]
    1 year ago

    "I met with the Fremen and they love me. Good people. They live in this sietch, I've never seen anything like it. I see tremendous opportunity working with the Fremen"

    • AbbysMuscles [she/her]
      1 year ago

      "Just met some folks on Arrakis with an amazing ability. Let me tell you, they know how to handle those sandworms like nobody's business. It's a secret, but they say it's all in the rhythm. Believe me, it's very impressive. People are saying it's gonna change the game, and I believe them. Sandworms, folks. Who knew?"

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        We need a picture of :trump-anguish: trying to look intense and tough while driving a harvester.

  • plantifa [they/them]
    1 year ago

    "The Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe folks, he has a wonderful fief, tremendous fief of Salusa Secundus. Those Sardaukar, they're so tall, handsome, they really are. And Salusa Secundus, It's a prison planet folks, they locked them up, and wow, would you look at them now, they're the Imperium's fiercest warriors behind the Fremen. And let me tell you, Salusa Secundus? That's right, one of two sources where Shigawire grows, and it's so tremendous, it really is, that Shigawire, so strong. As strong as my shielded retinue! The Padishah Emperor, he has so many, so many shares in CHOAM, he does folks, but let me tell you, if I had as much shares in CHOAM and I was on its Director Board, there'd be no trouble with the Landsraad. I would have made a great deal, a tremendous deal, between the Houses of Harkonnen and Atreides, there'd be no need for Kanly, bad for business!"

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      For some reason the Dune setting is perfect for :trump-feed: copypasta. :chefs-kiss:

      • plantifa [they/them]
        1 year ago

        It has the perfect mix of novel and familiar, its funny af to imagine Trump gushing over how huge heighliners are and how fast, tremendously fast it is to travel through foldspace, but also how its very unfair that CHOAM refuses to put him on the director's board. In general it's really enjoyable to do "Trump but he's in X" bits because once you get a few of the mannerisms down, and you have some trivia about X, you can just turn off your brain and riff because he's a catty and spiteful being of pure id, the structure of his statements don't even have to segue in logically and can drop off one train of thought for a digression and maybe returning to it later after rambling about something else.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          because he’s a catty and spiteful being of pure id.

          Basically he's already Baron Harkonnen. :surprised-pika:

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    :a-little-trolling: The tripod government, the Lansraad... they're no good. What they did at Arrakeen, disgraceful, just disgraceful. When the lasgun and the shield collide... what a disaster, what a disaster folks. But I hear you, folks. I hear you need a Messiah. holds up Zensunni text upside down I respect all Bene Gessarit, and they can't resist me, can't resist their need for a Kwisatz Haderach. Well, I am that universal super-being, folks. We got... we got thousands of caches, all over Arrakis, and guess what? We're going to make it rain, folks. That's right, we're going to make it rain because God made Arrakis to train the faithful. And you can't go against the word of God. :trump-feed:

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    So the Fremen, the Fremen that love me, the greatest of Fremen and a good close friend, Stilgar, he told me "sir, sir, your secret name is Usul which means the strength at the base of the pillar." But folks, I was looking at the second moon, and I asked Stilgar what they call that one. So that's what you call me, folks: Muad'dib. Call me Muad'dib. That name might be a killing word... tremendous. We might need killing word solutions... I don't know. :trump-moist: