Inspired by Weedian's post a few days ago and all the talk about what a great game it is, I was revisiting some of my old bases in Subnautica. The only problem I have with the game was that it doesn't run very well on ps4. Lots of framerate issues and things not being drawn in for a long time. Other than that, I loved it like everyone else who commented so I'm itching for more.

Has anyone played the sequel, Sub Zero? Does it live up to its predecessor as far as gameplay? If you played it on ps4, does it run any better than the original?

Edit: Thanks for the responses. I think I'm going to pass on getting it and look for something else. I'm not too surprised it's not as good as the original because so much of what was amazing about the first one was the sense of discovery and the unknown that's hard to replicate when revisiting any given world. But it sounds even a bit worse than I expected.