also calls out the writers strike exploitative status quo, etc

"It's not working for the artist right now and I just want to speak to that. That's fucked up," he said. "The writers are striking because with streaming, they can't get paid."

  • berrytopylus [she/her,they/them]
    1 year ago

    The focus solely around the writers and actors when it comes to media is always pretty annoying, there are other super important support roles too that don't get scaling pay even when their work is just as necessary. A good actor and a good script doesn't mean much without the technical skill to make it into a movie like the music, the lighting, the editing, etc etc etc

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      1 year ago

      It's absolutely wild. Either everybody should get scale, or nobody should - this kind of two tiered system is the kind of thing they introduce to union contracts in order to make the members lose solidarity with one another.

      Wait a minute.

      • Changeling [it/its]
        1 year ago

        Remembering the :citations-needed: episode about how Hollywood’s portrayal of the corrupt union mob is a direct result of anti-union sentiment among producers. The extent these people went to not have anything to do with union labor was mind boggling. Iirc there was a producer who wouldn’t use union contractors for construction on his home because he thought it would give his actors the wrong idea.

    • TheBeatles [any]
      1 year ago

      VFX artists work for measley salaries on films that make billions, its truly despicable

      • EmmaGoldman [she/her, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        Shit, they're just throwing VFX artists at every possible aspect of production they can.

        Too expensive to make four costumes or literally even a single set? Just slap your actors in a mocap suit in front of a green screen and their faces can be the only actual in-camera aspect of production. Then have a bunch of VFX artists in the global south make everything in blender and Bada Bing Bada Boom, you got an Avengers flick.

        Swear to god, we're a couple years off from minimum wage mocap actors doing all the actual acting and then they just deep fake somebody famous's face in and use an AI voice generator for every blockbuster film. Half-billion dollar Blockbuster films where the total budget for wages is $30,000.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Swear to god, we’re a couple years off from minimum wage mocap actors doing all the actual acting and then they just deep fake somebody famous’s face in and use an AI voice generator for every blockbuster film. Half-billion dollar Blockbuster films where the total budget for wages is $30,000.

          :lathe-of-heaven: :NOOOOO:

    • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
      1 year ago

      420% agree with this. Every thing that gets streamed requires tons and tons of highly skilled labor. It's just vile that workers are forced fight over a percentage of a percentage. Workers should each getting their own pies rather than this marketplace Mortal Kombat over crumbs.