• Zoift [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Main bed has a few cherry & celebrity tomatos, etuida & habenaro peppers, rattail & diakon radishes, zuchinni, and crookneck squash interplanted all around the perimeter, but the main bulk of the square-footage in center is edamame, snap peas, and cave beans. Want to grow pop & sweet corn next year so trying to get some free nitrogen in.

    Also started a small perinneal veg bed i've got asperagus in, and plan to put in artichokes in the fall. Right now ive got bokchoy in where the artichokes will go, but i didnt know what i was doing and they got too much sun and all of them bolted. Free seed i guess.

    Also put in some blue, black, rasp, wild straw & goumi berry starters this year and they're thriving. Also put in some pomegranites but they aint done shit, but pomegranites mid so not worried.

    Have couple of black fig starters on the way, and trying to germinate some paw-paw & american chestnuts. (supposedly blight resistant, fingers crossed) May have to get a bit more light in later when they grow up a bit, but thats just fine, becuase any trees i cut down go in the mushroom pile.

    Innoculated a set of oak & sweetgum logs last year with oyster mushrooms, lionsmane, and chicken of the woods. Got a small offering from the first two at the start of the year, still waiting to see if the CotW took.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, potatos and onions and garlic. Tore up a very stupid planter bed next to the house that was filled with mint, holly bushes, and some weird looking elephant ears(though it was taro, was not taro, do not eat elephant ear tubers). Took like, a year and half to sterilize it, and then it sat empty till i shoved bad groceries in it.