William Strutt - A warm response (1889)
Oil on canvas - 41x39 cm
National Gallery of Australia
The dog is startled like, “I didn’t realise I was so starved for physical affection! I don’t think I deserve such kindness. But thank you lobsterfriend, you’re a wonderful and supportive person.”
I'm :peterson-pill-dinner: deriving a theory of gender and political economy from whatever is going on here
"Jordan Peterson owns SJWs with facts and logic cringe compilation - Saint Redpill69Alpha (1817)"
wow this is from 1889? the messed-up look of the dog & domestic setting made me think this was a 17th century dutch other times ive seen it
Oh look, white man painted a scene of animal cruelty! How entertaining! It is very suitable that this is in the National Gallery of Australia. I can think of no better place for it. Other than an incinerator.
It's showing an animal in pain. Hoo hoo ha ha, that's a hilarious topic for a painting!
No, I'm reacting with feeling to an artwork, which is what you're supposed to do when you view art, fuckass.
Since when does the artist's intention ever matter? Jesus, do you even art?
why shouldn't art depict cruelty to animals or people? very moving works use imagery of unpleasant things