Biden has done more to undermine the US empire in the last 8 months than Trump did in 4 years. Biden is exposing the contradictions of US empire in a way that Trump could never.

If Trump was president, then the mainstream narrative would be that the genocide in Gaza was simply because of Trump and Bibi's leadership. And you know what? Given how past presidents were able to rein in Israel when polite society started sympathizing with Palestinians, it would be believable. Instead, we get to see front and center, how a man that's been at the top echelons of us foreign policy for decades approves and supports genocide. This is the establishment's genocidal war.

In other words, Trump is perceived as an aberration, even when hes just continuing the same US foreign policy that weve been doing for decades. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem is still framed as entirely Trump's decision, even though he was just enacting a policy that Biden voted for in the 90s. And of course Biden did nothing to reverse that move, or even try to extract concessions to move peace talks forward.

Biden is damaging the "international rules-based order" in a way that would make Dick Cheney blush. Bush at least tried to put a veneer of international law on the criminal invasion of Iraq. But it appears the US and Israel are ready to burn the UN to the ground in order to carry out this genocide. Trump would be doing the same exact thing, except he would also serve as a scape goat for the liberal order (just get trump out of office, and we can go back to rule-following)

Don't get me wrong, they're both excellent accelerationist candidates. The world is watching two senile, hateful, egotistical vile men fight for control of the empire as the world burns.

      4 个月前

      Both bad takes.

      Setting aside the whole issue of how it looks for leftists to say they support Trump, for any reason, the State Department wouldn't even let Trump pull troops out of Syria, so of course they aren't going to let him do anything that would seriously damage NATO. Congress has already passed a law to keep presidents from unilaterally withdrawing from NATO, and you could just as well argue that the war in Ukraine is placing more stress on the organization than any pissy comments Trump made about who's paying what.

      With the DPRK, Trump did nothing of material significance. He could wake up tomorrow and go back to calling Kim "Rocket Man." Like with NATO, he'd face intense institutional opposition to any serious change, and he doesn't care enough to try and fight that.

      Then there's the whole issue of Trump being widely viewed as an aberration, which means NATO countries will take his yammering less seriously and U.S. decisionmakers will be less likely to view his actions as precedent.

      • Setting aside the whole issue of how it looks for leftists to say they support Trump

        I wouldn’t say I support Trump but there’s a reason the liberal world order despises him, Trump is such a raging narcissist, that he’s willing to destroy American power to help himself.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      4 个月前

      Also, when Trump was in charge, we had a constant stream of news about terrible shit that US regime does which helped massively raise public awareness of what's happening around them.

        4 个月前

        This has to help, though you wonder how much. Plenty of libs were radicalized under Trump, but plenty more went back to brunch when Biden won.

        The propaganda excuse for American atrocities is that they were isolated incidents, bad apples, unrepresentative of who we are. Even whole eras get whitewashed this way. Trump is so much more buffoonish than any president in living memory that he plays right into that.