
It's a fantastical post-post-apocalypse world where humans covered the world in a globe-spanning empire of magical technology, then fucked around and found out, destroying the entire surface world in an event called the World Rend. The remaining populace, living on the floating islands that occur naturally on this world, were once again at the mercy of the gods and their unfair contracts. Until a resistance built up and killed most of the gods in the God War, creating the Apostatic Union in its wake.

Things are bad, though. After killing all the gods, mortals must fend for themselves and tend to their own needs. There's a famine and a plague going on in Hallowshire, the Clockwork King might be going mad, and the undead of the Endless Realm are literally decaying in mausoleums waiting for their interminable immortality to carry them to the end of all things. Wikkans conspire to restore the gods to their former glory, and an infamous pirate named Vela has found a map to something that could end the world -- or restore it.

You are a prisoner recruited by the Apostatic Inquisition, tasked by a tortured High Confessor in a clockwork coffin to somehow stop Vela. This is an act of desperation: they literally kick you out the door without anything but the rags you're wearing, hoping you'll do something about it.

It's just 20 bucks to dig into Vaporwave Vvardenfell. This game's incredible. The aesthetic, the music, the PS1 style graphics are just nailed perfectly. All character progression is just exploration. You get some experience for finishing quests, but mostly you get it by finding these floating blue skulls called Delusions in hidden areas. Spend them to boost your stats. You can also equip items to boost them, upgrade weapons and armor, craft simple potions, etc.

At the end of the main quest you get an airship and it's so fun to just zoom around the map. Reminds me of Skies of Arcadia. 10/10 would recommend

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Been playing since the EA. One of the few games I'm 420% certain that early-access was necessary. The game has really evolved and improved with each iteration. Just glad to see it hit that 1.0 release and getting the love it rightly deserves. It's just classic good-ass video gaming. It's weird and wholly itself which is what I want more games to be. I love when a game is committed to whatever it's trying to be, and succeeds at it. Dread Disillusion to me feels like a video game version of TTRPG that never existed, and I mean in to be a good thing. It rules.