Owl or crow?

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  • WashedAnus [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Crow. It's way cuter and smarter than any owl could ever be.

  • CliffordBigRedDog [he/him]
    1 year ago


    So, do crows attack owls? The short answer is absolutely yes. A murder of angry crows can attack, harass, peck, mob, and even kill an owl if the owl mistakenly comes out before sunset, and the flock of crows spots it. Diurnal crows cannot tolerate nocturnal owls during the day.

    Why Do Crows Attack Owls? There is no definitive answer about why crows chase and attack owls. However, some reasons are out there to occur battles between crows and reasons. In this section, we’re going to talk about a few of them.

    1. Owls Often Prey On Crow Eggs and Babies The main reason is owls prey on crow eggs, chicks, and even adult crows. Crows have poor eyesight at night. When they’re roosting at night, they become defenseless, and the owls take the golden opportunities.

    Literal baby eater

    1. Crows Attack Owls to Reduce Their Risk of Predation Since owls often attack crows, the crows always try to reduce the risk of predation by attacking the owls. Typically, crows consider owls to be a great threat to their territory. Therefore, they counterattack once they notice an owl in the daytime.
    1. Crows Have Strong Dislike to Owls The battles between crows and owls exist before human evolution. Both types of birds have an intense, strong dislike to each other. One reason could be that crows are diurnal and owls are nocturnal. Therefore, once encountered, they can’t tolerate each other.