Local town budgets are like 80% police, 10% schools, 10% everything else. Here in NJ the attitude has always been that the kids and staff suffer through a couple weeks of hot weather in June and it's not a big deal, but now we're getting 90+ degree days starting in early May so it's a much bigger problem.
Most school buildings in my area are at 70+ years old. They are poorly insulated, heated with central boilers and radiators, and it would be very expensive to either retrofit the building with a central AC system or put a mini split in every classroom.
Local town budgets are like 80% police, 10% schools, 10% everything else. Here in NJ the attitude has always been that the kids and staff suffer through a couple weeks of hot weather in June and it's not a big deal, but now we're getting 90+ degree days starting in early May so it's a much bigger problem.
Most school buildings in my area are at 70+ years old. They are poorly insulated, heated with central boilers and radiators, and it would be very expensive to either retrofit the building with a central AC system or put a mini split in every classroom.
Meanwhile, cops idle their SUV patrol cars for hours blasting the AC while browsing Tinder.
My favorite is when they do that shit while "protecting" the utility guys while they're working on the road in the summer heat for less pay.
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this my family is dying from heat stroke