NoYouLogOff [he/him, they/them]

The problem with user bios is they reveal how vapid and uncreative I am.

Cishet, but the anonymous They is comfy in online settings.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 19th, 2020


  • The modlog does kind of suck, and I think some things just aren't logged. While trying to find things to help myself understand the issue further, I came across an unrelated commbanning of someone for a surprising given reason. Then I found that there was no removal messages for the comments that incited the ban, though they were removed. Trying to parse the log itself is frustrating too, as it (and the frontend itself in some cases like viewing user profiles) tends to sort by putting every type of "content" on the list, so I'm seeing stuff from a year ago on the first page unless I limit it to a specific type of mod action, which isn't helpful when I'm trying to gauge the vibes.

  • Martial World is a long webnovel that I actually think encapsulates a lot of features of the cultivation genre, though it does have its share of brainworms and anime bullshit, like the main character having multiple wives and a few problematic scenes involving them. It does spill a lot of digital ink on the progression of the main character through cultivation realms, which is the shit I live for. It's the long-running shounen version of the genre, imo (while I have some titles under my belt, I don't know too awful many).

    I haven't read Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation as mentioned, but I did watch the donghua and found it quite good, though I don't remember anything about it's progression system. A great option for a more drama-oriented entry. BL (I also only know danmei as BL).

    I remember really liking The Dragon, which is GL, though it may also be more a fun and dramatic romance set in a cultivation setting than a cultivation novel.

  • I live in in a deep red rural-suburban area, and I drive to people's houses for service. The sparse but common of Trump flags/signs are annoying (and they're always in the most annoying in-your-face spots with the hostile tone they have), but more disheartening is the amount of anti-abortion signs that are everywhere. It's on the ballet, and there are literally hundreds of signs everywhere saying to "Protect women and children" by voting against protections of reproductive healthcare. I've only seen one sign in favor, and that was in the city.

    Not extremely relevant, but it's been on my mind lately.

  • I really liked Symphony of War: The Nephelim Saga. The story is mid as hell but the gameplay scratched an itch that I didn't know I had (this was before Unicorn Overlord). It's Fire Emblem but your units are squads that have fun class dynamics that are cool without being so complex it needs player scripting. A few of their character designs are kinda awooga, but not uncommonly so.

    The devs literally edited my save file after a big patch broke my save and sent it back to me, so I'm partial to them.

  • You are safe to mine the cage. Atom smashing the filled (deconstructed) cage will probably work. You can link the (constructed) cage to a lever, and pull it to release the creature inside. You can use this and an airlock system to get gear to the vamp without exposing your dorfs, then have him mine his own way to the caverns or something if you want him to die in glorious vampirism-buffed combat. Just make sure he never gets a path back to your fort.

  • I had a lot of fun with the tools it gives you such as the beforementioned Skill Swapping. I did not play World, so I can't say what is evolution and what isn't, but the endgame monster (the big big big boss, not the final monster in the string of post-game releases) was a fun little spectacle. They don't do Rampages at all, which while I found them charming I thought them unnecessary and others disliked them. They drop the Japanese aesthetic, which is a little unfortunate, but the hub is good and continuous. The new maps are cool, lots of exploration potential.

  • Sheathing is your friend, you can sheathe after Sakura slashes and all kinds of stuff. You have counters, both while attacking and while sheathing. These counters build gauge if they land, so they're handy to learn. I hardly ever use the silkbind techniques other than Sakura Slash and later the kick that gives you Helm Splitter. The DLC is pretty far for you, but when you unlock skill swapping Longsword gets insane.

    As far as general game flow, I started by focusing on exploration, getting to know the maps and routes to get spiribirds, fulfill optionals, and learn good movement skills. The maps have a certain flow to them that is fun to figure out. The buffs make the fight easier, and you won't run out of armor orbs if you keep those optionals going. Holding down the interact button summons your dog as a mount, which is very fast and combining the dog jump and leaping off its back, you can really get around without even needing bugs as much. Yes, you can drift the dog.