• darkcalling [comrade/them,she/her]
    4 years ago

    Uh I hate to tell you this but uh communists in America are in no way a significant enough force to accelerate or otherwise change how things are going.

    And how do you think you are going to get a socialist movement in America? The most privileged, propagandized to center of the imperial core? I mean fuck don't make me laugh. You think you'll do it by gradually attacking liberals while Biden's in office? Trump getting elected did more to grow the left than the last 20 years of politics as normal. I won't lie, Bernie was an essential ingredient in that but he's no longer necessary.

    Anyways, hell for who? It's already hell for people of color, for women in red states, and for the billions of people worldwide under the US/NATO/Western imperialist boot. You are in the belly of the beast. Try telling Syrians or Libyans or Yemenis or Iraqis that things aren't hell or that this is going to make you sad, tell the mothers of the dead children that you're super worried about this. You're the delusional one if you think business as normal with liberals plodding along ignorantly, half asleep because of Biden and intact institutions they can believe in is going to magically lead to better conditions for growth of socialism in the US or better conditions for people in the US or globally. The US is in decay, it is getting violent. You have Cold War 2.0, Red Scare 3.0 on your hands, the Dems are all on board, lets all attack China, stop the communist party of China, etc. The crazed Trump people? They aren't going back in the box because a Democrat wins. Qanon nutters? They're not going back in the box because a Democrat wins. The Democrats are going to continue to compromise. You need big things to shock the people awake, to get the liberals to pay attention and understand this is not just a Trump thing, that orange man going away will not fix things.

    But this website is full of privileged, white Americans. So I am not surprised.

    And again as I've said before, if you think the Supreme Court and control of it is going to have any kind of role in whether full blown fascism unfurls here you are ignorant and need to read more. That's incredibly smooth-brained. What it is important as, is a symbol. And the more people who reject its legitimacy within the US the better. The more people who see the US government as illegitimate the better. There is a fairly decent chance we see a second civil war, a balkanization or attempt at it in the coming decades.

    Embrace the fear. You can flee if you want but if you're not fleeing don't act like you're going to influence what happens next, don't sit on the edge of your seat hoping bourgeois pawn with a D next to their name will save you, they won't! Give up the liberal breathlessness at the precious liberal institutions being corrupted. You'll feel better mentally.

    To quote Gramsci "The old world is dying and the new world struggles to be born; now is the time of monsters".

    I'm not saying you have to be happy about it. And some fear is understandable, there are bad times ahead but there would have been if she'd lived another 20 years. But try and understand the larger breakdown of capitalism, the crisis occurring right now and what all that means and what we need to happen to punch through the propaganda.