• Pog_Susser_Tod [they/them]
    8 months ago


    Found myself here a while back. Was having fun reading up ancient aliens and stuff and then saw they listed Historical Materialism. Their reason? Some conservative philosopher said "nu uh" hitler-detector

    • KoboldKomrade [he/him]
      8 months ago

      Wikipedia has Reddit brain. Any article about any subject is viewed equal. Except when the article is a primary or secondary source (those are too biased) or if they're on the No-no list, or if they're not on the Good list. I've seen "sources" that were 20 years behind the current science/level of discussion be used. Absolute joke of a "resource".

    • iByteABit [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      My brother in christ this "pseudoscience" has predicted more things historically than any of your neoliberal financial nonsence you try to pass off as irrefutable facts and nature itself.

      In fact nature itself IS materialism, it is literally a continuation of darwinistic thinking about evolution which has perfectly explained how we and everything around us came to be.