Italy has already elected a far right government that endorses fascist rallies

AfD is making record gains in Germany

National Rally are poised to win elections in France

    4 months ago

    It's a bit naive to think that they weren't already fascist. Banning Russian news outlets and putting people in jail for expressing pro-Russian opinions isn't fascist? Giving arms, training and billions of Euros to Nazis isn't fascist?

    What is happening in the inevitable backlash to the disastrous failed policies of the so-called "centrist" liberal parties and the misguided center-left that constantly tails them. They have allowed the right wing xenophobes to monopolize the anti-war position by denouncing anyone who advocated for any form of caution or common sense in the policy toward Russia as a Putin puppet. Their obsessive sanction mania has plunged Europe into a catastrophic economic crisis from which it may never recover, cutting themselves off from the cheap source of energy upon which the international competitiveness of Europe was built. Europe is being deindustrialized.

    They put all their chips on the US, NATO and the EU. They (and this includes the vast majority of "leftist" parties) tried to marginalize anyone critical of Europe's subservience to Washington and of the EU's undemocratic and neoliberal impositions upon sovereign European countries and in so doing drove them right into the arms of the right.

    I am not at all surprised by this result. It is what happens when the left (excluding the communists) totally and utterly fails to provide an alternative. An anti-war alternative, an anti-NATO alternative, an anti-EU alternative, an anti-austerity alternative. When the entire mainstream European left throws its lot in with the neoliberals and the Atlanticist warmongers.

      4 months ago

      Banning Russian news outlets and putting people in jail for expressing pro-Russian opinions isn’t fascist?

      It wasn’t considered fascist because Russia is (was) considered the big bad villain, so any repercussions against supporters is (was) seen as justifiable. Pushing the whole “Putin = Hitler” thing really warped people’s perspectives…

        4 months ago

        It could only happen because there was no leftist push back against the further eroding of rights. If Leftist orgs had done their job of at least presenting an obstacle to the narratives, sanctions and repressions, they would have some credibility. But they didn't.

          4 months ago

          They didn't just not present an obstacle, it's far worse than that. The "leftist" orgs were at the vanguard of the repressions and denunciations. They were among the most enthusiastic supporters of the anti-Russian witch hunt. They were so desperate to prove that they were not with "the enemy" that they became "more catholic than the pope" as the saying goes.

          I don't know exactly what it was in Europe that caused this derangement. At least the US left has the excuse of having their brains broken by the Russiagate psyop. But the European left has no excuse. I guess Europeans are just deeply russophobic and really enjoy thinking of themselves as culturally superior and more civilized than "those eastern barbarians".

          • Comrade
            4 months ago

            Well there is the factor of "looking towards" the West instead of the East. For some reason or another, some backward countries see the West as progressive and the East as conservative, this is a misconception deeply rooted in some societies. But why leftists would actually adhere to it, if only to appease to a wider electoral body, is a mystery to me. Leftists aren't usually the ones to blindly follow liberal propaganda.

              4 months ago

              But why leftists would actually adhere to it [...] is a mystery to me.

              I don't think it's that much of a mystery, they're simply racist/chauvinist.