The capitalist class has already conditioned people to be traumatized by the idea of pandemic prevention methods by their handling of COVID

This new bird flu will not be contained and will be allowed to spread unchecked. It can be spread by the pigeons on your street, and the poorly prepared fast food chicken slop treats that capitalist countries love.

And COVID is still here killing people.

This is going to be the new normal for a capitalism dominated world. As the environment crumbles we are going to see pandemic after pandemic as animal populations succumb the the stress of environmental degradation and new diseases emerge.

And with each new variant of disease our bodies are left damaged and more susceptible.

Disease compounding on top of disease.

Welcome to your capitalist utopia.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    3 months ago

    i just hope the disruption destabilizes the order enough to allow the global south to get free

    the rest of us will have to hold out mad max style, in communal compounds as fascist civil wars and purges rage in our broken, depopulated nations until we finally see the first PLA IFVs roll in and know things are looking up again

      3 months ago

      This is what I think is most likely to happen yes, and lots of disabled and medically vulnerable people like me are going to be the first on the chopping block. I see no other trajectory the way things are going. Call me a doomer but, well, this is the com for it. I will do all I can to survive (or escape, don’t @ me) but they’re not exactly making it easy for me or anyone else.