• Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
      4 months ago

      There is a joke I could make here but I worry that it would be disrespectful to the dead.

        • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
          4 months ago

          Well, the running mate's gonna need to constantly carry a Ouija board, but I suppose it's all worth it for the campaign slogan "I burn for XYZ"

            • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
              4 months ago

              I like to imagine that Bushnell is reading Hexbear from the Beautiful Shore, and just lightly exhaled from her nose.

                • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
                  4 months ago

                  Make of this what you will: https://www.assignedmedia.org/breaking-news/bushnell-gaza-immolation-protest-trans-identity

                  It seems very likely that she chose to die presenting as a cis man because if she'd martyred herself as herself, her death would just be seen as "hurr durr 41%" or whatever. But of course plenty of people say that it's "disrespectful" to gender her as feminine because "[s]he chose how [s]he'd be remembered", or "[s]he's already dead so there's no way to ever know for certain", or "it's disrespectful of the dead to invade their private lives in the search of evidence", or "maybe [s]he was just in a gender-questioning phase", or "this one person who knew Bushnell personally said [s]he wasn't trans", and just generally the same shit we've already heard about K. Cobain for years.

  • Evilphd666 [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    I'm not voting Green to do "damage control" aka kick the can like vote maybe-later-honey crowd does. I'm voting green because thier policies are my demand.....and to see the libs cry when they lose a swing state by margins less than the Green Party which they casually write off anyways. did-someone

  • diego_maradona [none/use name, any]
    4 months ago

    The task is disproportionately difficult in the imperial core but i don't think it's impossible. "It always seems impossible until it's done." Mandela said that. I'm down to have someone school me and change my mind but they have to make the case beyond vague structural maneuvers. Even if that were true I'd say there's value in forcing the regime to steal it, but after what Brazil and Mexico have been able to do, I'm highly skeptical of people in leftist circles trying to discourage voting as all together hopeless.

    And just to clarify I'm definitely not arguing to vote for either mainstream corporate party. I'll vote Jill Stein this time. I figure Greens have been maintaining the ballot access we may as well use it.

    Hopefully my tone is not too off-putting! I am genuinely down to be shown the light but i haven't seen a convincing argument yet personally and am just frustrated with our lack of collective progress. If our efforts should be better spent elsewhere in the next 5 months I definitely want to hear about that! Keep fighting, comrades.

    (Bushnell is obviously a hero and legend. Palestine will be free.)


    • milk_thief [it/its]
      4 months ago

      I wanted to do an elaborate reply, but no time, so here is a list of bullet points, no claim to them covering everything

      • "regime" is just the mediator of inner-bourgeois conflict, different faces, same kinda guys
      • media monopolies, they can and will eviscerate even harmless imperial lapdogs like the usual greens if necessary
      • in the west: a relatively content population due to imperial kickbacks (which are in decline, but capitalism-imperialism encourages people to kick down first to shore up priviledges, see fascism) that would rather have 10000s drown in the mediterranean than have higher taxes or less cars or less oppressed gays or other upsets in the status quo
      • enormous economic power of the bourgeoisie: capital strikes cant be fully ignored by elected people, revolutionary situations may be different,
      • intellectuals are either being marginalized or in the pockets of foundations or other philanthropy-washed bourgeois money
      • bourg. democracies are set up in a way to protect private property, you would have to capture all three departments of political power to do anything significant and then you still had a hostile bureaucracy that will sabotage you at every turn
      • social power: The superstructure is not just the state, but also "civil society" aka social clubs, associations etc that are mostly led by "managers" (promoted tokens etc) or actual bourgeoisie
      • US imperialism is still a thing

      Brazil's case is kinda special, also Lula had to make significant concessions iirc and that may still end up biting him in the ass. Not sure, Bolsonaro played his hand really badly

  • newmou [he/him]
    4 months ago

    Why would anyone vote Green over PSL. Even if they aren’t on the ballot you could write it in