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  • https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1671891495430000646
  • https://nitter.nl/jordanbpeterson/status/1671891495430000646
  • Changeling [it/its]
    2 years ago

    There’s this guy. He gets famous for getting mad about Canadian pronoun jail and it turns out he has a YouTube where he talks about Pinocchio a lot and also Jungian psychoanalysis and also the Bible and dragons. He kinda just seems to not like women, except for his caveman daughter, who he really likes, but that just makes him more popular. He goes in several leading drug/nature/bjj/politics/fascism/comedy podcasts and just starts selling books like mad where he tells the incels how to make their beds or something. All I know is it involved a lot of crying. Before you know it, boom! Benzodiazepine addiction! Of course, the dude hates communism, so his hot meat daughter takes him to a Russian doctor who clearly had his art censored by Stalin at some point. Dude almost dies several times but when he comes back he keeps on crying in front of his camera except now he’s always tweeting his porn searches out and pretending it’s political commentary but all his actual political commentary is now about how much money he’s making to do climate change denial. Anyway, everyone calls him Kermit but I don’t remember why.