Rachmaninoff's piano concertos are usually pretty good (a shame that he was quite anti-communist).
Sibelius's Violin Concerto and D minor (his opus 47) is pretty good as well.
Scarlatti's Sonatas have also been great every time I've listened to one of 'em.
Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 5 is also a favorite.
You may have noticed that these songs aren't household names (like "the well-tempered clavier" or the "moonlight sonata") but I'm trying to avoid those for now.
Also, not a composition highlight, but shout-out to Ryuichi Sakamoto.
What are your favorite compositions/symphonies/sonatas/etc. of classical music in general? Can range from anywhere to early baroque to the Soviet composers to the 21st century and so on and so forth.
Luigi Nono was a communist Italian composer that I absolutely adore. His two hour Prometeo "opera" is one of the greatest compositions of the 20th century. A much shorter piece, but the same vibe (it's explicitly about the horror of modern capitalist states) is his Guai ai gelidi mostri. Love a lot of serialists and post-serialists, but Nono is my favorite.
There was a communist composer who was apart of the KKE who died recently, but I forgot his name...
You're probably thinking of Mikis Theodorakis, who amongst other things scored the kickass movie Z in the 60's.
yeah, that's th eone