People who play videogames aren't escaping reality, they're simulating having meaningful participation in a society. If anything, gamers crave reality. An example of escaping reality is wearing noise cancelling headphones on the train so no one talks to you. Gamers are trying to simulate a reality where the work they do has tangible meaning. You do this dungeon and you get a new item, which you can use to do new dungeons. In reality, you do a job, and you get a paycheck, which you can only use to continue doing that same job. There are obviously meaningful jobs out there, but many, many people are being denied them, relegated to alienated labor. They are being denied access to community, relegating them to lonliness. The labor in videogames isn't alienating since it's meant to achieve a purpose and meant to advance you and grow your character. Jobs and a lot of what "society" these days has to offer just.... don't do that. It's all about PARTICIPATION.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I think there's some landlord/gentry stuff, but for many it's the American myth of the self sufficient Yeoman farmer. See the popularity of survival games with base building, or mars/sea homesteading.

    Many of these Bazinga/soft chud people just want, ironically, a safe space that is theirs and that they can build lasting things on, but they're so brainwormed and alienated that the thought that might be possible socially rather than as an individual is utterly alien to them

    • UlyssesT
      4 months ago

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