Erich Mühsam, murdered by Nazis on this day in 1934, was a Jewish anarchist author who openly condemned Nazism and satirized Hitler before being arrested by the Nazi regime in 1933.

In 1911, Mühsam founded the newspaper, "Kain" as a forum for anarcho-communist politics, stating that it would "be a personal organ for whatever the editor, as a poet, as a citizen of the world, and as a fellow man had on his mind." The paper opposed capital punishment and government censorship of theater.

After World War I, Mühsam was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for playing a leading role in the Bavarian Revolution. He was freed as part of the same general amnesty for political prisoners under the Weimar Republic that released Adolf Hitler.

As a cabaret performer and writer during this time, he achieved international prominence, promoting works which condemned Nazism and personally satirized Adolf Hitler.

In 1933, Mühsam was arrested, with propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels labeling him as one of "those Jewish subversives."

While imprisoned, he was brutally tortured, however his spirit remained unbroken. When his captors tried to force him to sing the "Horst-Wessel-Lied" (the Nazi's anthem), Mühsam sung The Internationale, instead.

According to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Mühsam was murdered in the Oranienburg concentration camp on July 11th, 1934.

Mühsam, Erich: His life, his work, his martyrdom - Augustin Souchy anarchy-a-white

Erich Mühsam writings anarchy-heart

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  • daisy
    1 year ago

    Today I came really, really, really close to just walking out of work despite having no savings and no job offers outstanding. My boss has been gradually developing mental health issues for months. They're driving everyone in my department crazy with demands for reports that we've never heard of that they claim we've always done for them. They've picked fights with basically every other department and lied about their own four- and five-figure screwups. They've asked me to predict the future with regards to certain suppliers' ever-changing prices so that they can better prepare their present budget to reflect future reality. I am fucking losing it.

    The one ray of hope in my working life is that I had a job interview before work today, and I think it went really well. I have a weird niche of various tech skills alongside an accounting education that makes me ideally suited to the job. And I got on really well with the interviewer. They actually spent more time talking about the company than asking me the usual generic interview questions. For my own mental health I really need this change.