I swear to God anytime some fucker cuts me off he's in some suped up Tesla

  • medium_adult_son [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I saw a Tesla pass someone on a 25 mph street the other day. Close to an apartment building with people walking nearby, they accelerated faster than a sports car and were probably doing 50 mph. I'm sure they got stuck behind another car right after too. Why?!

    And I see a lot of large or luxury SUVs going 20 over the speed limit on interstates weaving between lanes and noticeably leaning while doing so. I didn't see this often until the last few years.

    My guess is probably the continuing alienation, no consequences being experienced, and just being an asshole. People used to know that driving aggressively and accelerating quickly were bad for fuel economy, but Teslas don't use gas and the big truck chuds don't care.

    Driver's education has probably been privatized and hollowed out in America like everything else, judging from riding in a car with my younger relatives and from seeing new drivers ed businesses pop up all over.

    • VILenin [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Where I live nobody goes the speed limit unless there’s a traffic jam or they see a cop. Or they’re a taxi, in which case they’re doing 10 miles slower in the passing lane, gotta get that fare