I'm a former heroin addict (9 years clean in August) but I also have severe fibro and can't even stand that long. I'm also job hunting after losing my last job because I went to the hospital (for psych reasons) and had to call off a whole week of work. I've read up and it seems like what I should get is red vein but I have no experience with kratom.

  • g_g [they/them]
    1 year ago

    I agree with what pretty much everyone else said. the addiction potential is there, the effects are mild at best, and it did sometimes make me nauseous. my favorite kind was the white vein because it did feel like a slightly stronger caffeine.

    I do tend to hold kratom in sort of high regard tho bc like 10 years ago my mother got addicted to opioids after she was prescribed something for pain and then couldn't stop until she found kratom and it helped her to quit.

    proceed with caution if you do decide to try it, and good luck!