fuck every "leftist" who does not acknowledge usa is not lesser evil or any other bullshit

  • LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    28 days ago

    I might be taking a meme way too seriously, buuuut.

    Okay, if life in China and the US is about equal if not better in favour of China - why not go live there?

    I wouldn't. Why? No trans rights. Familial approval for medication is a killer for trans people, in practice it might as well be a ban outside of two neighbourhoods in San Francisco. Not to mention the clamping down on DIY, which unlike the west, the Chinese government has real power to actually enforce to some extent.

    So the US is better off in that regard, I'd much rather live there and their government positions align more with my own and I'm anti-China and "anti-authoritarian" in that sense, but still a socialist.

    Why wouldn't I be?

    This is just one example, there are others. So I think it's disingenuous to frame Libertarian socialists/anarchists as purely just simping for 'murikkka when many of them are readily willing to admit US bad too, just less bad in some ways.

    • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
      27 days ago

      So, let me get this straight, you think that not participating in warfare for more than 40 years is just as bad as constantly invading the rest of the world, committing genocides, torture, etc. in the name of colonialism on the grounds that you get to benefit from the latter regime? And you want to be taken seriously?

      Yeah, seems like you are just simping for the empire that kills and tortures non-white people en masse because you are, personally, a beneficiary of said killings and torture.

      • LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        27 days ago

        On the grounds I get to benefit? So are you implying that the relative freedom for queer folk in the US is a direct product of imperialist foreign policy, and the absence of this in China is why queer rights struggle there?

        • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
          27 days ago

          On the grounds I get to benefit?

          You quite literally are saying that because you would personally benefit from the empire that has been committing genocide after genocide throughout its history and which has been the most prolific aggressor in the world for a while, you choose to be more aligned with it instead of with the rest of the world. You choose for your position to be an oppressor-nationalist one and anti-internationalist.

          Going to quote the relevant line lest you decide to hide it later:

          So the US is better off in that regard, I'd much rather live there and their government positions align more with my own and I'm anti-China and "anti-authoritarian" in that sense, but still a socialist

          So are you implying that the relative freedom for queer folk in the US is a direct product of imperialist foreign policy

          No, it's a consequence of LGBT community fighting for its rights, and not a consequence of your empire voluntarily giving LGBT people their rights.

          Also, it wasn't too long ago when your empire was more hostile to LGBT people than the PRC is today, or other non-Imperial core states of the past. You seem to assume that it is impossible for relevant things to change.

          In any case, you are a chauvinist. You will find another reason to support your empire's genocides. If it's not LGBT rights, it would somehow be women's rights. If not that, it would be some vague 'human rights'. If not those, it would be no less vague 'freedom' in general and 'freedom of speech' in specific. Those are all just excuses.

          You literally support genocides of non-white people and killing and torture of LGBT people across the world on the basis that you, personally, get to benefit from your empire.

    • LaughingLion [any, any]
      28 days ago

      Most importantly, you can't go become a citizen or even permanent resident there. Oh, sure you can go on their embassy website and it has a process. You won't ever get through that process, though. Only a few super rich or famous westerns are able to get through that process. Not average people like us. If you marry a Chinese citizen you won't even get it. You will have to get temporary visas every few years even if you have a kid. Your kid will be a Chinese citizen. You will never be or even a permanent resident. You will not be able to open a bank account, fully use WeChat for easy stuff like payments, have trouble getting housing, and so much more. You will perpetually be a legal outsider there.

        • LaughingLion [any, any]
          28 days ago

          Unfortunately, yeah. I could be wrong, however. Here is a bit of a challenge: find someone who is a normal working-class person who was not a Chinese citizen and who was able to go through the process and get permanent residency or citizenship. As a far as I know nobody has done it unless they were rich or famous. I think you could probably find somebody but I'm pretty sure it'll be some kind of extenuating circumstance. Definitely no westerners. It's a big complaint among expats who married a Chinese spouse. The process to being a permanent resident there is basically impossible. At some point in the process it will completely and indefinitely stall out.

    • EllenKelly [comrade/them]
      28 days ago

      Wow an imperialist social democrat, I'm shocked. You'd better actually be trans, and not some weasel hiding your bullshit behind fake concern for trans people.

      you know theres plenty of situations in the us were families need to approve of you transitioning, or are you conveniently ignoring that?

      Struggle where you are, fight in your workplace, support and raise awareness for international causes at home.

      • LainTrain@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        27 days ago

        you know theres plenty of situations in the us were families need to approve of you transitioning, or are you conveniently ignoring that?

        No I don't actually, I'd be interested to hear about this? As far as I'm aware, blue US states all have informed consent as the treatment model for adults, basically world standard in that regard.

        Wow an imperialist

        I think just because I critique an empire you like from an anarchist perspective doesn't make me an imperialist, but we can agree to disagree I suppose.

        Struggle where you are, fight in your workplace, support and raise awareness for international causes at home.

        One doesn't exclude the other. I'm not sitting about foaming at the mouth about China all day, we're just having a discussion and I'm open to hearing your perspective.

        • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
          27 days ago

          I think just because I critique an empire you like from an anarchist perspective doesn't make me an imperialist, but we can agree to disagree I suppose.

          Lol. You literally think that not starting any wars in general for more than 40 years is just as bad as constantly invading the rest of the world and killing and torturing non-white people - including LGBT people.

          Hell, you have come out and said that you are more aligned with the latter than with the former, so yes, it's safe to say that you are an imperialism supporter. Your 'anarchist perspective' is just 'it's good that my state kills millions abroad for my benefit'.

          One doesn't exclude the other. I'm not sitting about foaming at the mouth about China all day

          You have already said that you are more fine with a regime that can't exist for one second without invading somewhere and committing genocides than with a state that has provably made massive improvements in the lives of working-class people, has been at the forefront of switching the world's energy to green, which hasn't committed any genocides, and which hasn't started any wars in more than 40 years.

        • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
          27 days ago

          One doesn't exclude the other

          Also, you seem to not understand why you were told to focus on your country/state.

          Supposedly, you know more about where you live than about countries where you never set foot in and which you are only informed about by memes and other forms of osmosis. This makes you more qualified to deal with the former than with the latter.

          Supposedly, also, you have a greater ability to influence the situation in the country where you live than elsewhere (unless you join your military to invade other countries, in which case you are welcome to be rightfully punished for that).

          Westerners who consider themselves to be 'anarchists' sure do tend to ignore all that and simp for their genocidal states while regurgitating said states' propaganda about how evil and barbarous all of those countries that are outside of the imperial core are.
          Your beliefs are neither anti-authoritarian, nor are they rooted in international camaraderie and recognition of people from other countries as fellow human beings.