Literally WHO CARES about [checks notes] Asa Hutchinson? (who?) Mike Pence gets called a satanist in Iowa because he didn't steal the election for Trump. Trump has a literal cult around him and millions pouring in. No one outside of "respectable" civility fetishist libs and chuds want Meatball Ron.

But hey, thanks for all the millions you poured into my campaign that fizzled out and failed three weeks in. No refunds!

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    1 年前

    The pundit industrial complex is closely tied to the politico industrial complex, so much so that the venn diagrams are close to a circle. The pundits need things to talk about that aren't important, the politicos need pundits to talk about whatever dead-ender's campaign they're funneling money out of, so you get the horse race discourse about born loser candidates who will never even smell the oval office much less get voted into it.