Can someone explain this to me? I honest to god don't understand what's the contradiction here...

Also if it's too touchy, tell me and I'll delete.

Here's the original tweet.

  • Onimasta [any]
    2 years ago

    I understand the basic outline. I just don't get why this specific thing is supposed to be obviously silly. Like why wouldn't people want their body to align with their sexuality? Seems like something that happens with a whole bunch of paraphilias...

    • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
      2 years ago

      One thing of note with Blanchard's taxonomy is that during the study where he tried to prove it, he discarded any surveyed patient that didn't align with the taxonomy. It gets a lot easier to claim that trans identity is a paraphilia when you select only from subjects that have a paraphilia related to their gender identity.

    • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
      2 years ago

      I think the reason it's ridiculous is that if you distill the concept to "people would like their body to match their sexuality" then that includes almost everyone. Like I assume a generic straight man wants a body that his partner will find attractive, and also wants a body that can perform the typical male sexual role. If he goes to the gym and does some bench presses while he thinks about how hot his girlfriend will find him when he takes his shirt off, is he a crazy pervert who has an auto erotic target location error? Hopefully I don't get in trouble for this, but straight women do this to an even more obvious degree, because so much popular fashion/media has some amount of male-gaze type sexuality init.

      Blanchard thinks that trans women (he never talks about trans men for some reason) are different than "regular" sexuality because we transition while doing the I-like-my-partner-to-be-attracted-to-me-in-w-eay-that-affirms-my-ideas-about-myself thing that almost everyone else does. Blanchard is unwilling to consider that changing your sex is about more than sex, so he thinks that trans women must have a uniquely intense version of this.