WittyProfileName2 [she/her]

Cofiwch Dryweryn england-cool

  • 31 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2021


  • Eastern Slav Republic is a fictional country from the Resident Evil/Biohazard series of games.

    Earlier in the comment they say "I think RE Damnation perfectly shows how effective they are." Resident Evil Damnation was a 2012 Resident Evil film set largely in the Eastern Slav Republic.

    This is just some gamer wanking about how much better the US is than generic fictional eastern European country number 42069 from their heckin' video gamerinos. May as well compare the US' arsenal to Atlantis'.

    ETA: commenter is also full of shit about how well America'd do 'cos the majority of the Resident Evil series is BOW attacks on US soil with huge death tolls. Multiple American cities get nuked across the series partly to stop the spread of this-or-that virus.

  • As far as I'm aware it's only been used by anti-communists.

    Anecdotally it seems to be used mostly by baby leftists still figuring out their political ideology and ends up being a crossroads where one end leads to anarchism and the other to NATOists depending on whether they actually go outside and do antifascist praxis.

  • That big red triangle in the background is a section of the world's biggest wheel of Edam cheese. It'd been wrapped in wax and was ready to be presented as gift to a Chinese diplomat arriving in the USSR.

    Unfortunately no-one thought to protect the cheese from an enraged goblin who devoured it whole. They didn't have time to replace it and when the CPC guy arrived with a bronze Lenin bust the size of five Lenins, he got angry that he didn't get anything in return and vowed eternal revenge on the USSR.

    This is the real inciting incident of the sino-soviet split and also invention of pogo sticks which the USSR believed could be used to better pursue goblins.

    I don't know how the person in the foreground is, perhaps a metaphor for the people whose lives were lost to inter-socialist infighting.

  • spoilers for latest Dr Who

    "In your dreams, were you an ambulance?"

    In the first part of this series finale, the set up from episode 2 and also the Christmas special finally pays off. The Doctor and Ruby return to modern day Britain to seek UNIT's help in finding Ruby's mother and identify a mysterious woman who's always popping up in the background of previous episodes only to accidentally help Sutekh, god of death manifest into reality. Tune in next week to see the Doctor fight a Dark Souls boss.

    What I liked:

    Sutekh's new design. In classic Dr Who, Sutekh was just a bloke in a big robe with a funny helmet. This many-eyed jackal man thing is kinda rad if also a little generic in its own way.

    That scene where the person at that speech turned to dust. Dr Who has been more restrained with on screen deaths for years, so even this was a "let's fucking go!" moment for me.

    What I didn't like:

    The return of Sutekh. I just don't like Dr Who's constant need to dredge up old villains from its history for the nostalgia factor. This new Sutekh seems completely different in terms of design and MO than Sutekh the destroyer, so just, why bring it back? You could just as easily have given them a different name. Who was eagerly awaiting the return of this long forgotten antagonist? Like, at least Beep the Meep is a popular character amongst the fandom. Who asked for this?

    Rant over. I'm going to withhold my overall rating for this episode until next week when we get the finale. I'm cautiously optimistic though.

  • !!Warning!! Extreme cringe

    "I hope this post gets a lot of tankie comments. They’ll be flockin’ to a blockin’

    Heh. See, cause. It rhymes. So.

    The one yesterday had that commenter who was all “what’s this? Oh it took me a second cause I blocked all the tankies” and that’s when I realized I forgot to block lemmy.ml. Now that that’s done, it’s just onsie-twosies. It’s a bright, bright sunshiney day."

    Adults in the room, everyone.

  • Not sure if I'd class it as the craziest moment of my life, but it was like a scene out of a sitcom:

    When I was a teenager I briefly worked part-time at a place that refurbished various household appliances. Donations came in through the front and ended up in back with very little looking over. We took all sorts in and the workshop floor was split into various departments based on what appliances they dealt with. I was a new hire and they were still cycling me 'round various departments, my least favourite one was when I was assigned to cleaning out used ovens.

    One day this box came in and, like, we opened it up and there were various electronic massaging gizmos. So, my supervisor is pulling 'em out, he passes some of 'em to me to give a lookover to make sure they're clean and do, like, PAT tests and stuff.

    I'm plodding along and he gets to work on the rest himself. I'm doing the tests on this thing that's like a plastic plate with this piece on the top vaguely shaped like a pair of cupped hands, when my supervisor calls me over to lend a hand. He's got this black tube that goes a bit wider on one end, about as thick as my wrist. It looked kinda like a torch but with a cap screwed over the bit the light's in.

    His hands are a bit slippy so he's having a hard time unscrewing the cap, so he asked me to have a go. Wider end pointed away from me, I wrapped my hand around the cap and gave it a good twist. The first clue I had that something was amiss was that my supervisor went bright red. I asked him what's wrong and just told me to see for myself, so I turn the thing in my hand and see this silicone orifice looking back at me.

    That was how I learnt what a fleshlight is.