Whence comes this compulsive need among drivers to have access to every single square inch of pavement

  • Abraxiel
    1 year ago


    Here's a diagram of the new bikepath and the area it serves. The new section (orange) is on a road (Winchell Ave) that provides sole service to a relatively small and contained residential area (light blue). There are a couple of side roads (green, dashed) that provide access (most notably the north one, which connects to a 4-lane), but the rest of Winchell Ave going east (dark blue) has a dedicated bike lane, eventually coming to a bus stop and another road with bike lane that leads to a small commercial area.

    It's not a particularly elegant solution and I'm confused why so much parking is needed for what appears to be a fully residential neighborhood, but it seems like the particular stretch of road is low-traffic enough.

    • Abraxiel
      1 year ago

      ahahaha, there's dedicated bike lanes there now. What the fuck dude? Everyone there has big driveways and there's plenty of room on the side streets.