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  • hauntingspectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There's a lack of seriousness in a lot of leftist orgs. A lot of the people in them are weak reeds to build socialism with right now, but they're what we've got.

    I'm in an in between zone with them (well, I'm not really active in any, I'll show up for the occasional action if some folks who remember me invite me, I moved out to the country a few years ago). I respect their passion, but none of the leftists I've met locally have passed the "would I commit crimes with this person?" test. Like, it's great that y'all have really well drawn signs, but if they're drawn by a bunch of flakes, they're just targets. The people I've buried friends with, shot guns with, and gotten chased by cops with, those are the people I trust. They might not read Marx, but they generally know who's pissing on their pant leg and telling them it's raining.

    A local org that turns out more people to their theory reading club than to an organizing event is just a performative book club for people with radical politics.

    I'm not sure I have a great solution for you, other than don't be afraid to speak up. When I was active in the local org, I was regularly the only "No" vote on various votes, even though I knew it was obviously a lost vote. Partly to make my voice heard, and partly to let other people know they could say no too.