Coming soon at your workplace or educational facility: Dysphoria day! Where every cis person is forced to present in a way they don't agree with! Now cis people know what it's like! If you're cis on that day, you have to show up presenting as the opposite binary gender! You will be assigned a new name! You will be assigned new pronouns! You will revel in the misery for one day, just to see what trans people deal with for years of their lives, if not decades!


  • now cis people know how it feels

  • someone's egg is getting cracked lol


  • you can just call out

  • the extreme immorality and cruelty of it all please don't actually do this

  • iridaniotter [she/her]
    7 months ago

    The Cis make trans people go through the wrong puberties. I don't think a single day of real life experience hazing would be cruel.