Me when series where characters always looked like average people look like average people.

  • Duży Szef [he/him]
    5 months ago

    Okay, so I wanted to make a comment saying that a shit ton, if not the majority of g*mers (in the triple-A industry) are anti-woke racist fuckers, but I’m not sure how true that sentiment is.

    If you hate yourself... Type into YouTube "red dead 2 suffragette"

      5 months ago

      Dude, what the fuck. Why does it have millions of views and tens (or rather hundreds) of thousands of likes? The comments are repulsive too, I'VE NEVER SEEN THAT.

      • Duży Szef [he/him]
        5 months ago

        Now there's no reason to not hate capital G gamers. If someone is outright proud to be one, my first instinct is to think they're a mouth foaming reactionary.

          5 months ago

          But I like shooting the racist eugenicist in Saint Denis, and coming up with increasingly goofy ways to kill everyone at the Klan meeting out in the woods when I play red dead : (