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Also a Ukrainian communist i know confirmed it's true

    1 year ago

    If we ban nazism because it’s an ideology that caused the death of millions, we should also ban communism.

    This is soft holocaust denial. There was never a holocaust equivalent that communists did. For that matter there was never a genocide of the Americas that communist countries did.

        1 year ago

        The holodomor was made into a genocide by hearst press, which was a nazi publication run by a nazi who literally met with Hitler to discuss pr strategy. When it first made its rounds in the US it became obvious that it was a fraudulent story. And now people are believing nazi propaganda that people in 1930s America (which was pretty supportive of nazism) saw through pretty quickly.

        The famine was terrible, and there was incompetence abound, but after the soviet archives were unsealed even people like anti-communist historian Robert Conquest reversed their position on whether it was a genocide.

        Comparing this to the murder of 11 million people that the nazis considered subhuman is disgusting.

          1 year ago

          Ok, gotcha. So the line at which the ideology is considered bad enough to be banned is below Holocaust, but above Holodomor. Nice to see it quantified

            1 year ago

            My other comment:

            The holodomor was made into a genocide by hearst press, which was a nazi publication run by a nazi who literally met with Hitler to discuss pr strategy. When it first made its rounds in the US it became obvious that it was a fraudulent story. And now people are believing nazi propaganda that people in 1930s America (which was pretty supportive of nazism) saw through pretty quickly.

            The famine was terrible, and there was incompetence abound, but after the soviet archives were unsealed even people like anti-communist historian Robert Conquest reversed their position on whether it was a genocide.

            Comparing this to the murder of 11 million people that the nazis considered subhuman is disgusting.

              1 year ago

              Your text is quite on level with Holocaust deniers. It's astonishing how much the communism promises of utopias can wash such horrors.

      1 year ago

      I don’t usually jump in here but I’d disagree that the USA hasn’t genocided the indigenous peoples of this hemisphere

      1 year ago

      They killed a full quarter of their own country. Not in a neglectful kind of way, but full on mass executions, killing fields, concentration camps kind of way.

      Pretty comparable, if you ask me.

        1 year ago

        The cambodian genocide was carried out by fascists who were supported by the US and shitty Chinese policy. They were crushed by socialist vietnamese soldiers.

        Pol pot claimed to be socialist. The nazis called themselves the national socialist party, and we all know based on their record that was a lie, as communists, socialists, and trade unionists were their biggest domestic enemies. Next you'll blame the holocaust on socialists, despite the socialists being in the camps. Don't be so credulous.

        Edit: also, the US killed many Cambodians with mass bombings during the same era, which is a fun fact that is relevant given the fascists there were allied with the US government as they carried out their mass killings.