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      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        1 year ago

        I don't have any issue with that, the less toxic people I have to interact with on here the happier I'll be. I encourage anybody who finds my comments and posts upsetting to block me and move on.

        1 year ago

        Don't feed the troll. He's an actual professional troll who will try his hardest to drag you into a debate. I like to just keep editing my comments with new links that refute his claims, and that's when he totally loses it and gives me -30 and himself +55 updoots on a post with a grand total of 18 votes. He's really aggressive but he's not very good at his job.

        Edit: I can see he has gone through my post history and downvoted everything so I have 0 or negative karma or whatever it's called.. and he did it a week afterwards. He's a spiteful little troll, isn't he? I don't care about updoots. You can't silence the truth, you dumb fuck.

          1 year ago

          Most notably, they will not actually engage in any real discussion on these topics. They only want to shut down discussion by calling everyone brainwashed. They will offer not a single critical word against China or Russia, past present or future. Obviously this analysis is very noteworthy, and the conjecture that these societies are above reproach makes for a very good faith argument. Especially when combined with the intellectually honest strategy of removing their opponent's agency by calling them brainwashed. Truly a master debater.

          • Flaps [he/him]
            1 year ago

            The guy you're replying to is litteraly responding with '🤡' to well written out responses.

            1 year ago

            It's proof of your integrity that you admit good things about China . . . Because surely you will eventually, right?

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        1 year ago

        Nah, just people who uncritically regurgitate propaganda, and screech about everybody who disagrees with them being a Russian puppet and a tankie whatever that means.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            1 year ago

            Yeah, that's a fair point. It's important to keep in mind that people are accepting the propaganda because they want to believe it and they understand that it serves their selfish interests.

              1 year ago

              Yes, thank you for being understanding. I think it's better to avoid calling people brainwashed because -- as one liberal in this thread pointed out -- it denies agency which our interlocutors plainly do have which makes them much more responsible for their bad epistemology than the theory of "brainwashing" allows for.

              If we want to persuade people -- and I've seen that you have incredible enthusiasm for that cause! -- we must do our best to meet them where they actually are rather than where we imagine them to be.

              I'll get off my soapbox here, I just wanted to mention it. I wish you all the best in your efforts!

    • 001100
      1 year ago

      Well I, as a former citizen of China, do "speak out" against CCP as in family discussions, in online forums, and sometimes with classmates in school, but I don't "speak out" as in actually participate in protests. Demonstrations just isn't my thing. Protesting against CCP gets you labeled a "race traitor". I mean honestly, with all the racial problems in the US, and having to deal with my abusive family, I really don't have to energy care about CCP anymore. It's dead to me. I view China just like how an anti-fascist German view Nazi Germany. There's no point of protests. It's beyond anything a protest can fix. Like... why do I even care, it isn't even my country anymore.

      Edit: Also, it isn't a conspiracy that ethnic Chinese (I'm gonna use the term "ethnic Chinese" because this applies regardless of citizenship status) people don't "speak out". People just value "Social Harmony" more than being correct. Like if you live abroad, why care about what happens back in China? Most ethnic Chinese people who lives abroad don't really feel welcome in their new country, so why be against your former country if you aren't even sure if you are actually safe in your new one? You don't end up in a situation where you have no safe harbor in the world. Ethnic Chinese people living abroad believe China will accept them again in-case their living situation abroad goes south, so they don't want to get on the bad side of the Chinese government. Like what happened with the Chinese Exclusion act in the US more than 100 years ago, and also the Japanese Internment Camps. Maybe you disagree with the thought process, but that is what most ethnic Chinese people think.

        • 001100
          1 year ago

          If your comment (the top-level one) was supposed to be sarcasm, you need a /s tag because there are people actually being serious saying that "it's a conspiracy, couldn't be any other possible explanation" stuff.

          But also, the "hostage" thing is not entirely false, just very exaggerated. They only take your family "hostage" if you are like a leader of a protest or something. But I doubt they care if you are just some forum user that has no followers and "protesting" online. They got too many dissidents within their jurisdiction to care about those abroad.

    1 year ago

    Sample size: 58 people

    18 in the U.K., 28 in Turkey, and 12 in Thailand.

    The authors wish to extend their gratitude to the individuals and organisations who supported this research by providing concrete feedback for revisions on the report, offering suggestions and advice at the planning stages, and offering ongoing collaborative and moral support while conducting this research: Elise Anderson, Campaign for Uyghurs, Freedom House, Tim Grose, Ondřej Klimeš, Julie Millsap, David O’Brien, the Rights Practice, Radio Free Asia, Isabella Rodriguez, David Stroup, Hannah Theaker, Emily Upson, the Uyghur Human Rights Project, the Uyghur Transitional Justice Database, the World Uyghur Congress, the Xinjiang Documentation Project, the Xinjiang Victims’ Database, and Adrian Zenz.



    Yes, very trustable! /s

      1 year ago

      This is so key to propaganda. When researchers do a study on 58 people, you can barely claim you have a good representation of the population. And even in that case, if they are good, high quality researchers, they aren't pushing any opinion, just stating facts. It's just that 58 people can't represent the population well, It's just a starting point.

      Now if we're talking about an opinion and not just stated facts, 58 people is hardly representative, easy to manipulate, especially when you don't have to cite specifics, just conclusion.

      Okay, let's assume these are facts. 58 people were threatened, etc. This is still propaganda. Opinion, and interpretation can push the conversation in one direction or the other very heavily.

      For example, let's draw a comparison to a system that people find more familiar (For westerners, at least), such as the united states police system or the FBI. How many US citizens are threatened to stop talking when pushing the limits of conversation publicly (Say, about calling out the inhumane treatment of others by the US military)? How many people have talked publicly about being approached by the FBI, or said they can't comment on their interactions with the FBI, or of some private corporation that paid them off to keep their mouths shut about some insider deal, money laundering, or underage sex scandal? Governments and even private citizens coming after people who are talking shit publicly happens in capitalist states all the time.

      And that's just taking into account regular people who live in western countries. How about an even more direct comparison? The Uyghurs are Muslims that participated in terrorism in China, but the United States had Muslim terrorists of their own, what did they do? You can find all kinds of resources about the human rights violations that the united states participated in against the muslin people, even in western sources such as wikipidia, and others have lots and lots of facts surrounding this.

      "rules for thee, but not for me" comes to mind.

      Sorry didn't mean to unload on you. I'm vehemently agreeing!

  • Krause [he/him]
    1 year ago

    A UN Resolution of global south nations:

    We express our firm opposition to relevant countries’ practice of politicizing human rights issues, by naming and shaming, and publicly exerting pressures on other countries. We commend China’s remarkable achievements in the field of human rights by adhering to the people-centered development philosophy and protecting and promoting human rights through development. We also appreciate China’s contributions to the international human rights cause.

    World Bank Investigation of Xinjiang:

    When allegations are made, the World Bank takes them seriously and reviews them thoroughly. In line with standard practice, immediately after receiving a series of serious allegations in August 2019 in connection with the Xinjiang Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project, the Bank launched a fact-finding review, and World Bank senior managers traveled to Xinjiang to gather information directly...The team conducted a thorough review of project documents, engaged in discussions with project staff, and visited schools directly financed by the project, as well as their partner schools that were the subject of allegations. The review did not substantiate the allegations.

    Organization of Islamic Cooperation praises Chinese handling of Xinjiang:

    Welcomes the outcomes of the visit conducted by the General Secretariat's delegation upon invitation from the People's Republic of China; commends the efforts of the People's Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and looks forward to further cooperation between the OIC and the People's Republic of China.

    Egyptian media delegates visit Xinjiang:

    The recently published report also brings forth some interesting facts related to the religious freedom as opposed to the western propaganda. The report provides a strong testimonial by the visiting delegates who clearly state, “the in houses of worship such as the Id Kah Mosque in Kashgar, modern facilities abound, providing water, electricity and air conditioning. Local clerics told the visitors that their religious activities had been very well protected”. "The conditions here are very good," said Abdelhalim Elwerdany, of Egypt's Al-Gomhuria newspaper. "I could feel that local Muslims fully enjoy religious freedom."

    Also Adrian Zenz is a complete moron:


  • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
    1 year ago

    Its a very weakly sourced state sponsored media article reporting on their state enemy. You have to be willfully credulous to believe their claims without further proof.

      1 year ago

      It doesn't mean that reports are false just because two states are enemies (which is an exaggeration).

          1 year ago

          That statement is illogical. You must have huge problems with the simplest logic to argue that. You can't bent logic by twisting what I said. Stop clowning.

            1 year ago

            Just because all the other times this faulty logic was used doesn't mean this one is illogical too!

            1 year ago

            It really is. Try it, next time you read a China Bad article, just decide that it's bullshit first, then check into it and you'll be proven right.

            1 year ago

            A black and white world where objective measures of press freedoms are apparently inversely proportional to trustworthiness of said journalists.

            Random blog with a Soviet flag? Impossible to be propaganda, because only capitalism can do a propaganda.

            Some of the world's oldest free media with a long history of investigating the British government? Literally nothing but propaganda.

            • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
              1 year ago

              A black and white world where objective measures of press freedoms are apparently inversely proportional to trustworthiness of said journalists.

              Oh my god, are you seriously claiming you can objectively measure press freedoms while saying socialists live in a black and white world? Just want to give you a chance to walk back your statement

                1 year ago

                I am quite curious to know your methodology for measuring press freedom so we can compare and perhaps find something which can be considered locally objective.

                • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                  1 year ago

                  You're retreating into "locally" objective. In this topic you're not going to get agreement on what constitutes press freedom, so it is pointless. My point is that the claim of objective press freedom existing is ridiculous. You walked it back, but to a position that still seems ridiculous to me.

                  For example, I dont believe there is such thing as a free press. Any org that can produce a press machine is going to influence that press, whether that is a government or private interests. Editorial freedom isn't possible, editorial control just ranges from the subtle to the overt.

                    1 year ago

                    You are the only one making assumptions here. I want to find some common ground.

                    So let's pull this thread. I agree that bias is inevitable, but do you believe this negates the value of even trying to protect press freedom? And if so, do you extend this to all forms of truth seeking?

                    • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                      1 year ago

                      So let’s pull this thread. I agree that bias is inevitable, but do you believe this negates the value of even trying to protect press freedom? And if so, do you extend this to all forms of truth seeking?

                      Of course bias is inevitable, Im saying institutional bias will always be enforced down the chain onto journalists and writers.

                      Can you give me your definition of press freedom? Because it seems contradictory if the owner of a press will influence what is published but journalists of that press somehow have press freedom.

                        1 year ago

                        Well so first of all, I don't consider only corporate or state owned media outlets to be "the press." But certainly, editorial freedom is a big part of press freedom. One media outlet can only exert editorial control over its own journalists. It cannot force editorial restrictions onto all media the same way a government can. I think this is pretty low hanging fruit when it comes to press freedom - individual bias can be averaged out, but centralized, legally enforced bias cannot. This feels axiomatic to me, but it may not be to others whichbis why I think these conversations are so interesting.

                        • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                          1 year ago

                          cannot force editorial restrictions onto all media the same way a government can. I think this is pretty low hanging fruit when it comes to press freedom

                          Yes they can, it is called private (as opposed to personal) property rights enforced by the state. The range of opinion will always be broadly supportive of the capitalist government.

                          Please read inventing reality or manufacturing consent. I am tired and I feel like you aren't interested in learning, with or without changing your opinion.

                            1 year ago

                            I don't know why you think I have not read those books. I'm quite familiar with both, and agree with many aspects of them. I assure you though, Chomsky is not a press skeptic they way I think you are implying. And not everyone who disagrees with you is ignorant. You are the one shutting down conversation and making accusations.

                            But either way, this is quite easy to back test. Is there no western media you can think of which is critical of Capitalism? Maybe even someone you just cited?

                            • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                              1 year ago

                              Based on what you've said you really need to read those books again.

                              But either way, this is quite easy to back test. Is there no western media you can think of which is critical of Capitalism? Maybe even someone you just cited?

                              Point out the flaw in this rhetoric like Parenti would, given you've read him.

                                1 year ago

                                The corporate media will always serve the elites over token dissent. And token dissent protects capitalists from Capitalism. He is quite funny and self aware when he wants be.

                                Trust me I get it. What I don't recall is Parenti expressing general skepticism of press freedom as a first principle. He mostly argues that capitalism corrupts the media. Again, this is laughably self evident.

                                Parenti and Chomsky are more left-libertarians though. Chomsky in particular is a outspoken and vocal critic of Lenin's centralism and is a vehement defender of press freedom. I would say that my ideas of press freedom are quite aligned with theirs, and it seems as if you are one who has fundamentally missed the message.

                                • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                                  1 year ago

                                  The corporate media will always serve the elites over token dissent. And token dissent protects capitalists from Capitalism. He is quite funny and self aware when he wants be.

                                  So why did you say the silly thing you said in the first place? And why do you consider corporate press to be more free than government press?

                                    1 year ago

                                    I've explained this already. I largely reject the notion that token dissent is less free than no dissent. As do both of the authors you cited.

                                    • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                                      1 year ago

                                      Do you have proof that there is no dissent within socialist countries? Because based on my readings there is plenty of lively debate. Hell, you can look at streams of the vietnamese assembly.

                                        1 year ago

                                        I literally know nothing about Vietnamese politics. But I also don't think I've made any assertion that press/individual freedoms are incompatible with socialism. In fact, I think I've been pretty clear about this forum "deserving a better brand of socialist"

                                        • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                                          1 year ago

                                          Okay, you dont know anything about vietnamese politics and you don't think there can be press freedom under government control, got it.

    1 year ago

    Can't you guys just stop using Adrian Zens? Is no one else able to make up unhinged nonsense about China? Literally all it takes is for him to adopt a pseudonym and the credibility of the propaganda increases entirely for free.

          1 year ago

          Well I followed the citations in this article and he did not come up so I'm not sure what you are talking about.

          • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
            1 year ago

            Adrian Zens is integral to the Uyghur Human Rights Project.

            This is honestly pretty dismaying. This isn't meant as a put down because it is outside of your control but we've got to work on investigative literacy as a country if so many people are having a hard time doing simple stuff like this.

              1 year ago

              How is he so integral? I've looked all over their site and at a few of their reports and there's nothing about it him or his findings? Look, I'm willing to hear people out but I've looked and I can't find anything that backs up what people are claiming here so I don't think it's me that needs to work on investigative literacy.

              I encourage anyone on the fence about this to do their own research. His Wikipedia article has some interesting points:

              "As a result of his work on Xinjiang, Zenz has become a target for coordinated disinformation attacks from pro-Beijing and Chinese state-run media, as well as other state-affiliated entities. Zenz and his work on Xinjiang have been criticized by the Chinese government, which, according to The Globe and Mail, "has called his findings 'lies'—even when it confirmed them."

              "During an interview with The Daily Telegraph published in May 2021, Zenz defended himself against allegations of fabrication, noting that 95% of documents he has analyzed are publicly available government records."

              Plus his findings have been corroborated by lots of reputable reporters. I've seen a lot of claims that people need to stop believing the lies and look at the sources. I've done that and not found what they are claiming so what exactly am I missing here?

              • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                1 year ago

                Did you google "Uyghur Human Rights Project Adrian Zenz" before replying to my previous comment?

                Also did you look at who funds the org? Because it is the US government through NED through only one shell, it isnt hard to look up.

                His Wikipedia article has some interesting points:

                As hopefully your high school librarian has explained to you already, Wikipedia is not a good source.

                  1 year ago

                  Yep, I googled it and I encourage everyone else to do it too. There was nothing. I did see a few Chinese sources calling him out as fraud but nothing unbiased. I did see lots of other credible organizations backing up his findings too.

                  The Wikipedia article was simply a good starting point that I encouraged people to check out. There's tons of citations in there that back up their points.

                  • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                    1 year ago

                    Okay, here are the top Google results from my search in order





                    The Google questions thingy




                    The Wikipedia article on Zenz.

                    Did you find where Adrian was used in each of these articles? Can you tell me the extent that he is relied on by the organization, based on how he is used?

                      1 year ago

                      I encourage everyone to look into the links provided and see for yourself what I'm talking about. In the very first link, out of 32 citations provided, Zenz was used 4 times. I'd hardly say his research was a critical part of their research or regardless there's plenty of other sources provided if you don't like him as a source. Don't listen to all the others saying and look for yourself. There's very little to back up their reasons for dismissing everything as some kind of anti China conspiracy.

                      • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                        1 year ago

                        That is incredible because I intentionally made them invalid URLs. I get redirect errors when I click on them, and I assume folks who actually bother to click on them should get similar errors.

                        You should ask yourself why you're so committed to intellectual dishonesty.

                          1 year ago

                          Uhh, what? The links work perfectly fine and are not "invalid". You do get a redirect notice but that doesn't make them invalid links?

                          I'm not the one being intellectually dishonest here, man. I haven't even accused other people of being dishonest. I'm just saying that I looked into what people have claimed and I can't see what they are saying. People should check for themselves and I think they'll see quickly who's really spreading BS here...

                          • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                            1 year ago

                            You're right here actually. Some devices give a redirect warning without letting you go to the site. That's my bad.

                            Still, 4 of the 32 links directly reference zenz. If you read all of the links sources however, you will note that they overwhelmingly have zenz somewhere in the citations. This is why I'm not willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Because I keep telling you to vet the citations, and when you go to check, you do not properly vet the citations.

                            This institution is also funded by the NED (through a shell org) which is a US government tool for regime change.

                            Also, if 1/8th of the citations are directly from a Christian fascist why would you assume the rest are credible? Even following the logic of your shoddy research I really don't get that.

                              1 year ago

                              OK fair enough. I'll admit that I first didn't see any connection to Zenz at all, but then I noticed you have to click on each citation individually to see all of the sources (I assumed all the citations would be listed at the bottom so I could just search for his name and when it didn't pop up I assumed he wasn't there at all).

                              I fully admit that I don't have the time to look through and vet every citation (who does?) and I never claimed I checked everything. People were just claiming that Zenz was the source of all of this info and that was clearly not true based on just a quick check. Lots of this information is corroborated by lots of reputable organizations so I don't think it is appropriate to just dismiss it all.

                              I think at least the thing we seem to agree on is that people should do some research into this stuff themselves rather than blindly believe what everyone is shouting. I fully support that. I took a look and what I saw didn't convince me of the claims people are making here. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

                              • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                                1 year ago

                                Lots of this information is corroborated by lots of reputable organizations so I don’t think it is appropriate to just dismiss it all.

                                Except Aria just walked you through how there were no reputable citations for this specific article.

                                You are assuming that there are plenty of reputable organizations that support this with quality evidence, but Im assuming this is the most in depth you've ever gone on looking at sources for claims here and all of them were not trustable.

                                There is evidence of a crackdown in response to terrorism(the US government funded Islamic extremist groups in the area) and some excesses from that crackdown, but every time a claim rises to the level of genocide, you're going to go back into Adrian Zenz or the state run media says lala land.

                                To the best of my research, the counterterrorism program is primarily focused on improving economic prospects and reassuring folks that their culture will be respected. And they have used very heavy handed methods, such as involuntarily throwing people who are only marginally connected to extremists in vocational training centers -where abuses do happen- in order to do the former. And they very much deserve to be criticized from an informed place about that. But you know what, the US would just kill them or black site them, as we've seen play out over and over again in the middle east the last 20 years, which just created even more insurgents.

                                I am this thorough whenever something new comes out because I care about being informed about this as China is the largest socialist project in the world and as a socialist I think its flaws need to be very carefully studied so as not to be emulated.

        1 year ago

        I'd like to draw attention to how every tankie who commented in this thread actually looked at the sources whereas the liberals mostly read the headline.

          1 year ago

          Did you really look at the sources? Because the first source in the article links another BBC article (which links to another article) that ultimately sources research from the Uyghur Human Rights Project. That project does not appear to have any connection to Adrian Zenz. So my original question still stands what does Adrian Zenz have to do with this?

          You say every tankie who commented actually looked at the sources but, as far as I can tell, they are just parroting propaganda talking points that they are accusing everyone else of falling for.

          Look, I get being skeptical of what the West says about China but I don't think anyone can deny that anything anti China gets quickly astroturfed on Lemmy. I'm seeing lots more knee jerk reactions from tankies that obviously did not read the article and are accusing everyone else of just falling for Western propaganda without doing some real introspection that they are basically just doing the same thing.

            1 year ago

            Adrian Zens is integral to the Uyghur Human Rights Project. I suppose I don't do new research, I just follow links until I find something I've judged as untrustworthy before. He's not directly credited as a contributor, but Uyghur Human Rights Project uses him as their source for all their publishing, and invites him to their events.

              1 year ago

              Well, I don't know what else to tell you. I couldn't find anything about him on their site or him being used for any of research that I looked into. Now, I didn't go over everything so it is possible he's worked with them in the past but I don't think that would be a reason to discredit all the work the UHRP.

              What am I seeing is anything critical of China getting downvoted and a bunch of people congrating themselves for not falling for the propaganda when I literally looked and could not find anything they were claiming as part of the article.

              I encourage anyone seeing all these comments discrediting this story and look into the details yourself. I could not find any evidence for all the claims they are making to discredit this. There has been some good thoughtful discussion and I appreciate that but lots of knee jerk reactions that people not doing proper research when even just a cursory check doesn't back up what they are claiming.

              • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                1 year ago

                Anyone reading the above comment, simple Google "Uyghur Human Rights Project Adrian Zenz" and investigate how involved he is with the links on their own website that show up. It will be obvious how full of shit this poster is.

                1 year ago

                Okay. I think this is a very fair and good comment. So this is their most recent published work.

                Ctrl F, RFA 7 matches, RFERL 6 matches, radio free 7 matches, to see how many times they source themselves. There are 23 matches but only 19 instances of them using circular sourcing. ASPI 1 match. Jamestown 2 matches. There are some better sources in there, like Human Rights Watch, but the HRW article in question uses Adrian Zenz as their source. The only source I'm seeing quickly that isn't directly with zero steps of separation tied to a NATO member spy agency or propaganda agency is NY Times.

                For the New York Times article though be careful following their Tinyurl link because it goes through a Viglink reroute that is unlikely to be safe. I can't imagine why else they'd find it appropriate to use a tinyurl link in their paper if not to attack readers. You can use an extractor service. But anyway if you read that article you'll see that their source is only Uyghur Human Rights Project so it's a circular citation again. No I don't check stuff like this every time. But by now we should know that Uyghur Human Rights Project is an untrustworthy front for Adrian Zenz and stop when we encounter it.

                  1 year ago

                  That's not their most recent published work. That was published in Feb 2023 and they released a more recent report on Jul 2023 (and I believe it has less troublesome references but I'll admit I don't have the time to go through them all):


                  Regardless, your point still stands, there's likely more circular referencing than I originally believed. I'm still not convinced it is as much of a conspiracy as others have claimed, but it is food for thought. I appreciate the less combative tone and a willingness to discuss in good faith.

                    1 year ago

                    I’m still not convinced it is as much of a conspiracy as others have claimed, but it is food for thought.

                    Two things about this:

                    1. It doesn't require "conspiracy" on the scale of dozens of different international organizations conspiring and then working in lock step. What you have is a set of media entities (following the governments who they have a vested interest in getting along with) following their individual interests of publishing bullshit, and when another company publishes bullshit of the same genre you are publishing, there's a good chance you will find it worthwhile to recycle their reporting (as many do with AP and BBC articles, for example). There is no need for these groups to "conspire" to produce this result, there is only need for common interests that are observably true to us. Circular citations making spurious claims again, say, China is the natural result of media outlets being aligned with an entity like NATO because of a number of factors like funding and access journalism. That's the market for you.

                    2. The view that conspiracy is an epistemic hazard (though it does certainly happen) is correct and important. I encourage you to keep that in mind next time you read an article about North Korea calling basically every observed part of the country a potemkin village, or all the flimsy claims of subterfuge by China when they do things that are normal for other states but blown up into world-domination catastrophizing when the BBC puts it through its very filtered lens.

    1 year ago

    I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy the tankies from lemmygrad denying or trying to justify this one as well. 🍿

        1 year ago

        Imagine defending Russian and Chinese imperialism because "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".

          1 year ago

          Neither China not Russia are imperialist. China is a socialist state so by definition cannot be and Russia is an immature industrial capitalist state.

            1 year ago

            China is a socialist state so by definition cannot be

            Can you elaborate on that? I agree that China is not imperialist, but I don't see how socialism by definition precludes that possibility.

              1 year ago

              Imperialism is the final stage of capitalism. Finance capitalism takes over from industrial capitalism and seeks out markets abroad, having exhausted the internal ones. It teams up with other finance capitalism to become a global force, the export of capital becomes the most prominent feature of the economy rather than the export of raw materials or finished goods. The states they come from tend to become fascist in nature, or as some people put it, "fascism is imperialism turned inward".

              Even if China was a capitalist country as some people claim, it still wouldn't be at that stage yet. Russia might wish to one day be there, but it too has a long way to go.

                1 year ago

                You didn't answer what I asked.

                You said that capitalism by definition leads to imperialism. I asked how socialism by definition precludes imperialism.

                • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                  1 year ago

                  I would suggest reading "Imperialism, the highest stage of Capitalism"

                  Imperialism has a highly specific definition.

                    1 year ago

                    Thank you, I'll look at that. It might be my misunderstanding of a technical term, but I don't see the logical sequence that makes it apparent that socialist countries can't engage in imperialism/colonialism.

                    • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
                      1 year ago

                      The very short answer is that imperialism requires very specific economic systems and incentives. Those systems are not going to occur in socialist States because socialist States develop different economic systems than capitalism because the profit motive is absent, which impacts short term and long term economic development plans in many significant ways. For an extreme example look at Juche's emphasis on self reliant socialism within an internationalist socialist order. They cannot do imperialism because all of their economic planning is built around a stable self sufficient economy. An extractivist economy isn't just something you can graft on, it has to be a central part of an economy to make economic sense.

                      For an example of socialism not being imperialist when it has the opportunity to, you can look at China forgiving loans. It doesn't do so out if the charity of its heart, it does so because it is incentivized to because damaging other nations self determination through financial coercion actively harms its project. It wants strong neighbors with close economic ties, it doesn't want to suck the marrow out of their bones because that is destructive to China in the long term, and socialism is able to plan in the long term unlike capitalism which has to be more short term oriented because of the way its incentives function.

                      Imperialism is actually a very costly affair (in many cases it costs the home country and only benefits specific lobbyists within that country) compared to mutual cooperation and always rebounds on empire, it only happens because of market failures that do not happen under socialism.

                  1 year ago

                  Because you need to get to imperialism via capitalism. There is definitively no other way.

                    1 year ago

                    Because you need to get to imperialism via capitalism. There is definitively no other way.

                    You have more than zero point, but this is an excessively modernist way of viewing development that Marx explicitly refutes in his later writings after facing spurious accusations of supporting such views.

                    1 year ago

                    I don't see how that follows.

                    Because you need to get to imperialism via capitalism.

                    Socialism's goal is to provide for its people; in theory, why can't it engage in colonialism to bring in resources to benefit its people?

                    There is definitely no other way.

                    Its obvious how capitalism leads to imperialism, but it's definitely not obvious how that would be the only way to arrive there.

                    Any elaboration you can provide would be great because you're acting as if it should be obvious why what you're saying is true but it absolutely is not.

                      1 year ago

                      Socialism’s goal is to provide for its people by moving past a society based on exploitation. This is why it wouldn't engage in colonialism.

                      I think you'd need a different word to use to describe your socialist-colonialist state. Imperialism doesn't mean, "when you invade".

                      Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism where finance capitalists export capital rather than commodities and these capitalists become the most dominant.

                      There's many different capitalist interest groups, but one is by far the most powerful and dominant in global politics, the finance capitalists. This group of capitalists always come to dominate over all others, most capitalists require access to financial capital to expand their businesses, or to weather difficult circumstances in the marketplace. Financial capitalists gradually gain control of all industries through being able to see the movements of each industry and by them being the spider in the web, put simplistically. Then when they've run out of domestic exploitative growth opportunities they reach out beyond their borders and team up with other financial capitalists through mergers etc. This is imperialism, the final stage of capitalism. All capitalism eventually ends up here. Russia will too, but not yet.

                      The major capitalist interest group in opposition to the finance capitalists are the always losing group of industrial / national capitalists. These are private owners of domestic industries who mainly derive most of their profits from operating within the borders of a particular country (or the EU or whatever). Donald Trump would be an example of one of these, and he'd be in political alignment with many other industrial capitalists, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates... "industry leaders". Their politics tend to be libertarian in nature, the social conservative aspect of their politics is just a front they put up to gain the electoral support of naïve socially-conservative people and exploit them. They don’t really care about religion or guns or anything like that. They usually like traditionalism because it provides them with a reliable exploitable source of labour. They would have opposed women in the workplace until they realised they could exploit them too without risk. Same with LGBTQ+ stuff, they used to be opposed but are now less so. They still are in Russia, indicating their capitalist immaturity. The western capitalists have grown beyond this stuff to some extent. A lot of conservative politics comes from this group. The Finance capitalists are less well known. You know the names of many western finance companies but probably not nearly as many outside the west.

                      Russia is an example of a country emerging from a primitive stage of capitalism that stands opposed to western financial imperialism. They are largely in control of their economy and government after western financial capitalists pillaged Russian industry after the fall of the USSR. This is upsetting to western finance capitalists, who desperately want to destabilise Russia and would love to install a government that is friendly to western finance so they can pillage it again. it slipped out of their grasp with Putin after Iraq, they want it back.

                      It's western finance capitalist imperialism versus Russian industrial capitalism. Putin is the Russian industrial capitalist's thug godfather. If any of the oligarchs step out of line and try to sell out mother Russia, they'll find themselves defenestrated quick sharp. If he falls then they all need to quickly put someone else in place to rule over them and protect them from each other. If the US gets a foot in the door again they're all fucked. It's constantly knocking.

                      Russia's industrial capitalists have already been raped by the US twice before now, they trust Putin as their administrator. He lets them do what they want as long as they don't fuck over Russia. He's a dictator, but one that prioritises a strong and functional Russia over one that collapses to be strip-mined and sold off by NATO capitalists. Given the lack of real alternatives (the Communist party was outlawed for a time), Putin has clearly been the only real option for Russians for most of the past two decades. They will not be pillaged a third time, hence this completely predictable Ukraine reaction they'd hoped for after constant provocations, the last one being the Nazi led coup and overthrow of Ukraine's democracy by the Right Sector Nazis and others. The one thought experiment that no lib can answer is what the USA would do it the shoe was on the other foot and Russia was arming nutcases in Mexico.

                      You're hearing "imperialism" a lot right now because it's been inserted into the discourse as a wildcard term to con people into explaining away the motivations behind Russia's invasion, instantly dismissing thought of all of NATO's provocations. It would probably take Russia decades more to become Imperialist, maybe I'm wrong, maybe it would take less time but it's not now, and "imperialism" is not the reason for the invasion by a long stretch.

                        1 year ago

                        I don't think you're doing a very good job of attempting to answer the very direct confusion I'm having. You're doing a lot to make sure it's obvious how capitalism can and does result in imperialism, which frankly I'm mostly in agreement with. My issue is that you're asserting that socialism can't lead to imperialism. You've still given no reason that this is to be the case except for this attempt:

                        Socialism’s goal is to provide for its people by moving past a society based on exploitation. This is why it wouldn’t engage in colonialism.

                        And I agree that, by definition, it's a society based on the betterment of its people. Stress should be applied there to its people. I'm not justifying imperialism at all, but it's a pretty obvious argument that by subjugating other nations/peoples and exploiting them, you can make the lives of your people better. Perhaps you're trying to say that the type of leadership and ideology that creates and maintains socialism would also be ideologically against imperialism, but that seems more pragmatic than theoretic. You're saying socialism can't engage in imperialism by definition but the most I'd give is that it doesn't engage in imperialism in practice.

                          1 year ago

                          I don’t think you’re doing a very good job of attempting to answer the very direct confusion I’m having.

                          No no. I've done an excellent job, you're clearly too stupid, entitled and bratty to understand the simple concept I've laid out for you.

                          Now fuck off you dim-witted cheeky little removed.

                          Demanding an education... not even a thank you.

                              1 year ago

                              That guy has zero interest in being persuaded, he was just trolling and trying to waste my time. I'd already replied in detail and he pretended not to understand.

                1 year ago


                Yes. Yes it does.

                Also, you're trying to challenge the definition of the word, but you're not arguing with about China and Taiwan.

            • OurToothbrush@lemmy.mlM
              1 year ago

              Do you know what the KMT did to the indigenous people who occupied Taiwan before the KMT retreated there?