• CIA plans for Zelensky
  • Syrian chemical attack debunked
  • FDA approves suicidal drugs
  • Russia kamikaze drones
  • Wage_slave@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Rumble. Seriously dude?

    I came here from reddit and even that dump has more credibility than fucking Rumble. /s

    But seriously, Rumble is a fucking wasteland of Q, Alpha simps, MAGA, racist, terrified of women, and worse place for video content. It's largely where if you are banned everywhere else you go there.

    • Veritas@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      Doesn't it tell you something that people get banned just for reporting the news? I don't see anything wrong with the video and yet YouTube doesn't allow their content.

      • BURN@lemmy.ml
        1 year ago

        When they’re reporting objectively false facts as news, yes they should be banned.