I'm all in for left unity and the such. But when i'm seeing ML's stomp on anarchists, i dont know what to think of them. Obviously, there are good ones, but i cant estimate the ratio of "good" vs. "bad" ones. Also, maybe they are just overrepresented in the online space? I'm literally surrounded by liberals and right wingnuts, so i couldnt really collect experience for the real life ones. Maybe someone explain me something? I dunno.
I can respect that. Just stay subbed to Mutual Aid, haha. Even if you don't donate, you can still spread the word about things to potentially help someone else. ❤️🥰
Sorry for coming on so harsh. Love you, comrade. O7
But I already follow mutual aid blogs on Tumblr. I guess I could follow that one, I just hadn't checked the community out that much.
It's fine tho. It wasn't harsh at all and I'm not offended. o7 :heart-sickle:
No such thing as following too many mutual aid communities, comrade. o7