I think we should try to be more careful, not to automatically assume that everyone who is asking questions here about China/Ukraine etc. is always arguing in bad faith. I've seen multiple people who were genuinely trying to ask something here and the only response they got was mockery.

I do understand that a lot of times people who come here are trying to troll or just be annoying, but we still should try to engage in them in good faith as long as there is no reason not to do so. Not everyone who isn't from Lemmygrad is someone hostile to our ideology, and we should try to be kinder to them.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
    1 年前

    I'm guilty of of this unfortunately. I try to be civil, but sometimes it just gets really tiresome dealing with the same handful of trolls following you around and sealioning into your every thread.

    I try to be reciprocal and interact in a civil way with people if they're civil themselves. I just don't have the patience dealing with people calling me a tankie, propagandist, or whatever.

    I did start just blocking these trolls and that's probably the best solution. Out of sight and out of mind.

    • rjs001@lemmygrad.ml
      1 年前

      I think we should make a copy pasta, one debunking Ukraine/Russia and one on Uyghurs and Xinjiang/Tibet. Those are the commonly commented things on and we could just share that. It doesn’t take the effort of writing something that might be a troll but it also doesn’t necesitare getting into an argument

    • ghostOfRoux();@lemmygrad.ml
      1 年前

      Yeah man you post a ton of content both here and .ml and I don't see how you don't lose your mind in the comments at times. Keep up the good fight.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
        1 年前

        I do find most people do tend to be constructive and positive. Once I started just blocking the trolls my levels of frustration went down a lot. Learning to just not bother replying to them was the hard bit for me, and I still lapse now and then.

    • Prologue7642@lemmygrad.ml
      1 年前

      I think that if there is one person here that I understand losing their temperament, it would be you. Reading the endless threads on lemmy I always wonder how you don't lose your mind arguing with some people.

        • redtea@lemmygrad.ml
          1 年前

          I don't know about others, but I've learned a lot just by keeping a close eye on your interactions. It's helped me to develop what I hope is a less hostile approach.

          Not to say it isn't difficult af sometimes. One problem is that Marxists criticise each other as much as others, it's just that for others, it might be the first time they've ever encountered real criticism. So they don't take it well. I can't say that I always enjoy harsh criticism, either—it depends what it concerns—but at least I expect it. Others often lash out when they experience it. Then it's all too easy to summon Lenin-when-he's-talking-about-/-to-his-own-mentor-Kautsky. Then there are the copious trolls.

          This was said about us recently (3 days ago):

          As an aside, I have to like this new method of discussion many of you lemmygrad people are now employing. It’s like you had a planning meeting where somebody said “perhaps we shouldn’t be assholes, that doesn’t convince people”.

          It's mildly back-handed but it suggests that whatever we're doing differently is working. I suspect that as the Lemmyverse exploded, a few dedicated anti-communists tried to rile us up to make sure that others would see us in a bad light. At first, we fell for some of the bait. But I think we've got better already. This is good as we can reach a lot of people with our seditious Marxist ways if we can out-game the trolls, etc. One good outcome would be that people come here to lurk and see how we talk to each other; it'll be hard for people to see us negatively when every other comment here is one of concern for each others' well-being.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.ml
            1 年前

            That's a really good observation. We need to work on pointing out why we disagree with people in a constructive way and to point out trolling for what it is when it happens. When I get somebody calling me a tankie or a propagandist or whatever, I now just reply pointing out that the person wasn't actually engaging with the post, and is smearing me instead. Block and move on.

            I do find that there are a lot more people who genuinely want to have a discussion and who aren't acting like dicks. Articulating a point clearly for them without making it an attack usually results in a civil discussion. I definitely agree that there are a handful of people who hate us and who are very aggressive about it, but they're just a small minority in practice. We should just focus on highlighting how toxic these people are for the rest of the lemmyverse.

  • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
    1 年前

    I always try to engage with people fairly, but at the same time you can usually tell very quickly when people are honestly just misinformed and when they are actively hostile/trolling. I often see people actually give long and detailed answers to folks who ask legitimate questions, even if it may seem readily apparent to us.

  • ImOnADiet@lemmygrad.ml
    1 年前

    I think we’re pretty good about this, it’s pretty obvious when someone is making a comment in bad faith

    • Prologue7642@lemmygrad.ml
      1 年前

      Most of the time yes, but from time to time I see someone post something and the only comments they get are pretty hostile. Even if later it turns out they were just genuinely asking questions and even admitted to doing so. I think this just pushes some people away, that we could educate instead.

      Of course then there are troll etc. which are different story.

      • ImOnADiet@lemmygrad.ml
        1 年前

        we aren't perfect, I'm sure we do pop off too hard on new people sometimes, but I read through almost every post made here and I don't actually see it very often, even that one comment you linked wasn't too bad, he got a meme and one sarcastic comment, and then someone actually engaging. It's not like we told him to face the wall or anything

        • Prologue7642@lemmygrad.ml
          1 年前

          I agree that is not a huge problem and yes it is mostly not so harmful. I was not trying to suggest with this post that we are super terrible etc. Mostly I just wanted to say that I think we could be a bit better. In my opinion, these people are the prime target for educating. Overall, from what I've seen Lemmygrad has a pretty bad reputation on most Lemmy instances so if someone ventures here and is not a troll, I think we should try to be kind to them.

          • ImOnADiet@lemmygrad.ml
            1 年前

            we have a bad reputation because we're socialists, were the most active instance for a long time, and are still relatively more active for our size. The biggest complaint is that we're "evil tankies", not that we're rude

            • Prologue7642@lemmygrad.ml
              1 年前

              I agree, what I wanted to say with that is that if someone from other lemmy instances come here even with our reputation, there is a good chance that it is someone who is actually interested in what we have to say.