Marxist-Leninist. Tankie. Based in the imperial vassal state of Japan.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I too want historical realism in my game about the influence of ancient alien artifacts guiding the entire direction of human civilization since prehistoric eras. If the magical pope that flies through the air shooting energy bolts at me isn't white, my immersion will be absolutely ruined.

    Outside of the right-wing nationalists that spend most of their day driving around in unmarked vans, and who the hell cares what they think, nobody here really cares about Yasuke in the game. Yes you can find people throwing fits on Japanese youtube, but our youtube is no better than anywhere else. Talk to anybody in the games industry and nobody cares. If anything, people think it is a cool historical inclusion.

  • I would say just don't bother with reddit, but Sino is probably the best China subreddit. For the love of all that is holy stay away from /r/China, I am pretty convinced it just consists of sexpats with a sprinkling of diaspora that have never actually been to China. Sino isn't explicitly a communist sub, but that tends to follow it being a relatively pro-China place to begin with.

    Genzedong was great, but after the quarantine has largely migrated over here. I think some people still post there.

  • I feel an urge to scream it into the world every single day just how much i despise ads and whoever invented them.

    If you are like me and just like reading history for fun, even the history of things like advertising, there is some actual interesting history there. Advertising goods for sale basically goes back as far as recorded history does. We have examples of adverts from the Song dynasty. These tended to be fairly innocous though. Basically just signs advertising a product sold at a shop.

    Modern advertising, the more invasive kind that we hate, unsurprisingly got its start in the US. All the advertising execs that basically set out with the goal of exploiting human psychology to sell product are from the early 1900s in the US/UK for the most part. Nielsen and the dedicated advertising agency came a bit later. Thomas Barratt (UK) was one of the worst, he famously bought the rights to a painting and then added a product he was selling to the painting. The artist hated it but couldn't do anything about it.

  • It's a whole lot of nothing. Technically it is supposed to check for torture, kidnappings, and murder of non-combatants. You know, all things we have evidence of Azov doing. They also passed "Israel" on the vetting.

    Supposedly it prevents the US from providing aid to specific units of countries with oppressive regimes, which is the US's favourite pasttime. It doesn't even do that though, because the Secretary of Defense can just bypass it for "special circumstances" (read: anything he wants).

    Even if it worked exactly like it was supposed to, it only prevents aid to specific brigades. Which means if the US gives aid to a different brigade and then it was passed to Azov, there are no violations.