Currently live in a liberal fascist cestpool with no left front. Grew up around violence and am comfortable breaking the law to survive. The main reasons I want to move into an area where class confrontations are frequent are:

  • My patience and tolerance are reaching their limit here and I refuse to lone wolf AND
  • I feel like I'm wasting my usefulness sitting on the sidelines.

My main concerns are as follows:

*My family - how will they fair in the new enviroment? Would they become targets for the state?

*Walking into an area with no pre-existing relationships, would it be like walking into a battlefield as everyone is fighting? Everyone is too caught up in the war to interact openly with me? Will I just be on the sidelines in a more chaotic enviroment if I move?

Thoughts from experience or personal feelings as to if a comrade moved into your city/town and wanted to meetup, discuss theory, and organize into pre-existing direct action?