My boyfriend made the "mistake" of being a grief counselor for children and now he's at home and struggling with full body neuropothy by himself, and all I can do is support him over the phone and check in on him hourly to make sure he isn't dying.

He's on paxlovid and seems to be doing better, although we had a big scare earlier today.

I'm just. So thrilled. About my government. I am so happy that Joe Biden declared this plague over. It's so great that we don't need two boosters a year even though every other major country recommends it. I love living in a miserly hell country that views me and my loved ones as a number.

It is so GREAT that COVID has started tearing through my small town, and may have permanently disabled a genuinely fantastic, loving, person for his crime of helping the most vulnerable grieve trauma.




    2 years ago

    I am truly sorry your boyfriend caught covid and is having a bad reaction to it. I don't believe prayer has an effect, but I will keep him in my thoughts in case that somehow transfers anything to him. I wish this virus hadn't been so politicized and that we had taken strict measures to ensure it died out early, instead of the perpetual covid twilight we seem to be doomed to live in from now on. If blaming any specific person gives you peace and helps you deal with your situation, I say go for it, and I hope you and your boyfriend recover as well as is possible, and have many happy days to come.