I am looking to start getting into this. But I have never enjoyed writing. I also feel a little iffy knowing that my diaries are sitting around somewhere in my room and my family can find it at any moment. If I were to type it would be faster, more secure as I can encrypt it, and it would not get lost as easily as I can upload the encrypted file to a cloud.

However, is typing any less effective at making you feel better than writing?

  • hackris@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I always write by hand, it makes me less focused on formatting (even though little is required in this case) and lets the thoughts flow easily. I write with a mix of Demotic and Ancient Greek, English and Slovak, so this way I don't have to bother with switching keyboard layouts. Make sure you buy a quality pen to make your diary writing experience that much better :)

    I usually write at the park or on the beach, but once I come home, I open up a Markdown file in my favourite text editor, type out the previously written text and save. Then I encrypt it with GnuPG and burn the paper I was writing on.

    Sounds cumbersome, but for some reason this approach makes me the most peaceful, I honestly have no idea why :)