Do you think the humans acting all "logical" is psychosomatic? They're less aware of the cultural history that lead to Vulcans suppressing their emotions and acting logical, so they think that logic is more of a racial trait, and thus act logical.
There is a bit of a precedent of logic being genetically encoded with Star Trek Prodigy when
Spock's insecurities being the cause for whatever is happening here is my hope as well. It's a funny moment, but it falls apart under even the slightest scrutiny, so I'm hoping Trelene did it or whatever.
EMH: There's a definite neurochemical imbalance in the mesiofrontal cortex.
JANEWAY: Which means what?
EMH: That's where the Vulcan psycho-suppression systems are located. This may be the result of an incompatibility with the Betazoid telepathic neural centre, I'm not sure.
Pike went to Johnny Bravo's barber off screen.
Do you think the humans acting all "logical" is psychosomatic? They're less aware of the cultural history that lead to Vulcans suppressing their emotions and acting logical, so they think that logic is more of a racial trait, and thus act logical.
There is a bit of a precedent of logic being genetically encoded with Star Trek Prodigy when
acted more logical upon
activating his Vulcan genes
In this case, I'm wondering if, since Spock is the origin of the serum, the crew are somehow reflecting his self-doubts.
Spock's insecurities being the cause for whatever is happening here is my hope as well. It's a funny moment, but it falls apart under even the slightest scrutiny, so I'm hoping Trelene did it or whatever.
That's not a bad idea either.
Turns out Voyager also established an area of the Vulcan brain that's responsible for suppressing emotions: