• Des [she/her, they/them]
    7 months ago

    legit i think that's how it mostly goes. they either get to be poster children for recruiting efforts or get the cushy jobs of going around rounding up 45 year old dads trying to hide from MPs so they can feed their sick child

    • newacctidk [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      idk Azov proved to be disturbingly motivated fighters. Sure some of them are like this, but let's not underestimate committed fascists as fighters. Their danger goes beyond rhetoric and policy after all

      • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
        6 months ago

        They got cornered in a hole and immediately defeated lmao. Where does this heroic narrative come from even here? They died like rats

        • newacctidk [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          They are not heroic, but they are dangerous. They held out longer than most Ukrainians, and they are highly motivated. A troop who doesn't want to be there will surrender sooner and be less inclined to massacre more civilians at great risk to themselves. Azov would rather murder random Greek citizens of Mariupol than actually focus on defending. It is not the Russian forces who they are a threat to