She's coming out as trans as a public service to warn everyone about evil AGPs. Next she's going to come out as a white woman to warn us about The Great Replacement
She's coming out as trans as a public service to warn everyone about evil AGPs. Next she's going to come out as a white woman to warn us about The Great Replacement
Fuck people who spread this narrative that you shouldn't transition unless you feel you have absolutely no other choice. I knew I would have preferred to be a woman for years before I started transitioning, but since I was sometimes "okay" and my depressions mostly seemed unrelated to gender I thought I wasn't trans enough to actually transition because of ideas like this.
Even though I'd never call transitioning easy or innocuous (who does she think is doing this?), it has actually given me the capacity to feel happy and fulfilled and I haven't gone this long without a depressive episode since my early teenage years.
But I never felt like I "had" to do it. I could have chosen to lead an empty, unfullfilled life as a cis man for the rest of my life.
Also the last paragraph is weird as fuck and the only people I know who try to reduce the trans experience to something primarily sexual are transphobes. But also, I'm pretty sure you don't need to retire from sex when you pass 40, like is the sex police going to come stop you at that point?