For context: there was a time several years ago where I went 3 days a week doing a lifting routine. I think my heaviest dead lift was maybe 140lbs.

Two kids later, hernia surgery, and a change in position at work that has me sitting way more (used to do solo IT work for multiple buildings, now I have a team and do mostly back end admin work), and I've lost all my gains and put on about 20lbs.

Kids are more manageable now solo, and I'm looking to hit the gym every Monday I can.

How do I maximize this time?

Thanks in advance comrades!

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    6 months ago

    Honestly in your position I would say just skip the gym altogether and focus on doing 20-30 minute or calisthenics/cardio using some household items and a pullup bar at home. Pullups, dips, squats, etc.

    I get your time is limited but it's pretty much always gonna be better to get a little bit of exercise every day then a huge amount once every 7 days.

    • Mog_Pharou [he/him]
      6 months ago

      This is good advice. The r/bodyweightfitness recommended routine is legit. That's where i would start

    • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      I used to come home and work out for a time too. Space is a premium in our home though and with 2 kids there is even less of it. There is no space I could use that also let's me be unseen if you will. I like the solitude of working out, and I know the kids at this age will be way to curious about what I'm doing lol. That feels weird to say, but man, being crammed into a small house, with a shoe box bathroom and an open floor plan, it's like a panopticon at times lol. I shit with the door wide open more then I do with the door shut at this point.

      I have a bench and a nice set of bow flex adjustable dumbbells and an adjustable kettle bell. I've literally thought about keeping the kettle bell in my car and just using it before or after work. There is a dude who takes his kid to the park and literally jogs while they hit the playground.

      But you're right about the frequency. I think I can justify leaving the office most days to do some walking near by. I work at a school and it's pretty chill as long as things are getting done.

      I just have to think creatively I guess.

      • afters [none/use name]
        4 months ago

        I bought a pair of gymnastic rings and go outside when weather permits and find a good spot to hang them, and you can pretty much get a full body workout with those alone. Good candidates are a outdoor pull up bar, equipment at a playground, a railing at a gazebo, a tree branch, infinite options. And i usually bike to my spot