Forgot to post this yesterday. Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend. Because I hate myself, I have started playing Borderlands 3 for the 1st time. It's actually quite tolerable when playing with the dialogue muted. The main villains being a streamer duo is very funny to me in a way Gearbox probably didn't intend. Anyway, have a good week everyone

  • Gorb [they/them]
    5 months ago

    Borderlands 3 is genuinely a very good game to play but as you say muted. I didn't find it as grating as borderlands 2 though so thats something I guess. The gunplay is fantastic though and visually its beautiful to look at.

    Currently I'm playing no mans sky, the fishing addition is quite a bit of fun and the first fishing planet in the expedition is gorgeous. Other than that playing some death stranding, persona 2 EP and finishing chasing static in preparation for hollowbody. And as always, constantly thinking about kingsfield