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  • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago
    1. "disappear" everybody and their families with a net worth of +$10 million
    2. cut all the global internet cables
    3. launch a satellite into the sky that collides with another satellite to create debris in space and bring down global communication network
    4. every household in the world gets a pamphlet from "god" explaining that the "disappeared" were judged for their crimes, and you will be too if you don't build communism

    Don't like not actually building a mass movement for socialism as the fear incentive only works for so long, but hey we work within the conditions we're giving. As one person with time stopped there's only so much I can do, but this should go some ways to getting there.

    • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
      4 years ago

      wouldn't this actually destroy the global internet-driven logistics network that transports essential food and goods and basically create a massive famine and medical supplies shortage?

      • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        Phone lines and domestic internet can still work, we'd be mostly fine. You can still do radio, etc etc. Gotta create some sense of crisis for people to mobilize over, and the added benefit is it would break most of how imperialism operates in this day and age long enough for us to build something better. This is all theoretical of course, and maybe there's a better way to do this that doesn't involve taking down cross continent instantaneous communication?

        • PermaculturalMarxist [they/them]
          4 years ago

          this makes sense actually, the likelihood of global catastrophe that would eclipse any potential for revolution is probably lower than I think in this scenario. And this may be theoretical, but who knows, maybe one day a solar flare will destroy our communication network and we'll all have to scramble to seize the moment, if not just survive.